Saturday, 7 June 2014

The Universe And Us :-) Contents and Introduction


  • Introduction

  • The Meaning Of Life & excersize

  • Perception & meditation excersize

  • The Miracle of humans & Learning to love yourself excersize

  • The World Around Us & Mindfulness Outside Excersize

  • The Universe As One & Consciousness perceptual excersize

  • Levels Of Consciousness & Out of body meditation Excersize

  • The future Is In Your Hands

  • Goal setting

  • Becoming greater

  • Emotional Balance

  • Past trauma & Eft Excersize

  • Left and right consciousness

  • Yin and Yang / tai chi excersize

  • Our connection with the infinite consciousness & Free drawing excersize

  • Dowsing

  • Alternative healing techniques

  • Synchronicity

  • Ancient sites & excersize

  • Understanding and using energy in nature

  • Dreams and the unconscious Mind

  • Lucid dreaming

  • Death the end of consciousness?

  • NDE'S

  • Sending love to loved ones excersize

  • Reference material and recommended reads / Authors

  • My Personal experiences


Hello and Welcome, I hope you find comfort and some interest in the contents of this book, and above all it challenges you to challenge the world around you. A little about me, if I say I have been homeless, at one point a heroin addict, a complete sceptic, to a spiritualist, needless to say you would be forgiven for assuming that this may be an interesting read! The one thing I can proudly say is that I am very open minded and that I have considered potentially everything, I have spoken to many involved in alternative fields, studied and read many books, as well as experimenting with my mind and the world around me before drawing any permanent conclusions, even now I can only share a series of possibilities which may help to explain possible experiences and events that may have occurred in many peoples lives.

One lesson I learnt very early on was that the truth is a three edged sword, where two extremes lie on either side, and the truth lies in the middle. Often with organisations and groups of people the truth becomes diluted, twisted in the personal vendetta's and politics of groups and parties. I have one explanation for this which is the human need to belong and to define oneself. This often resolves itself in wars and disputes, but if one can remain an observer in life one can indeed find the "truth". By keeping yourself out of things in terms of perception, you can truly evaluate and experience. This book is my interpretation of the "truth", or the best possible truth I can get to. I very much see life as a journey, and the truth is the path we should endeavour to take.

I have met many people who dowse, have had physic experiences, and myself have had life changing experiences, I have heard the sceptical argument, and have to concede that this does not hold the answers, at least not on any personal level. There seems to be a huge sceptical following where many seek to downplay the effects of physic phenomena and other alternative areas, much of this is based purely on accepted science which by its very definition does not hold all of the answers. Science is the process of experimentation based on theorem, and will evolve continuously. Accepted science should not always be taken above personal experience – especially when the media, money and our current understanding are taken into account. Equally as explained earlier the scientific community are indeed on one side, have a very useful series of observations and theories, but for one to maintain a journey of truth, one must also look to ones side. Self confessed skeptics with a claim to fame, state that they hold all the answers and very badly rigged experiments, show many of these skeptics to be fraudulent. James Randi and his million dollar challenge is a prime example. It seems bad science has become a money making venture for some, this in itself makes me suspicious, with all information we receive we should always proceed with caution, this book is no different which is why I have applied as many excersizes as I can so you can see it for yourself, don't just take my word for it. This book is very much a perception widener, and I realise that as you read it it may be too much to expect you to accept it all, but I hope to make you aware of the possibility and the potential and from there you will do the rest.

I propose the idea that scientifically we are where we are as a result of breakthroughs, I believe that these scientific breakthroughs would not happen the same if we did it all over again. I propose that these observations would not occur in the same order if at all, and perhaps different observations would occur instead, and by that I deem science as a possible way of interpreting the world based on events and circumstances. For instance, take gravity, its pretty obvious that objects when dropped will fall toward the earth, but the discovery of the world being round would influence the understanding and theory in the first place. If we came to the conclusion that in fact there was no earth orbiting around the sun but that the appearance of the sun across the earths sky, was a visual consequence of the sun and the earths fields interacting, then gravity would again be perceived slightly differently. You see our current scientific theories are a perception, based on information and previous perceptions, and perceptions will always change. This is why all of my eggs are in many baskets, and like Einstein I believe we should never stop challenging, it is the only way we make progress.

Traditionally I am not a believer of fate, we make decisions based on choice, we hold the key to our lives and circumstances. I also do not believe in luck, as we should take responsibility instead of blaming a force we cannot see, hear or touch. I do however, accept that there is a series of possibilities which we can choose from and in that way it is perhaps conceivable to believe that some peoples decisions are fixed to them specifically in some way, but I believe we can change our circumstances, by changing us. This book aims to explore the methods of connection we have with the world around us, and perhaps an alternative way of viewing yourself, other life forms, and the universe itself.

My aim was to digest all of the data available from all claims and lines of research however fringe-worthy and see whether a truth could be reached which seemed to link all of these ideas, or whether I amongst many others could have gotten it wrong, and whether there was a way of interpreting the physic phenomena, the difference of perception and ideas that we all share to be explained simply, the simple truth untainted by indoctrination of modern life. 

The writing of these chapters came only after a series of points where I came to the conclusion that there is something which links everything discussed in this book, and this is described later as a form of consciousness.

In order to grasp the following concepts, you will need to be able to imagine a perspective outside of your normal day to day linear process. This may be difficult as we are designed to think in this way reacting from sequence to sequence, but there are alternative ways of viewing ourselves and the world around us. I have been exploring these perceptions and have come to a very unique and almost enlightening method. It is this method that I hope to share.

I must be honest and state that many of the the ideas and perceptions I speak of are derived from other authors and scientists, I have spent more time than anything conducting research and collating opinions, ideas and almost radical experiments to reach the point I have done, but a tremendous amount of credit needs be shown to those who have helped me to reach a conclusion ( as much as one can be reached with this esoteric thinking).

Each area is followed up with an excersize designed to open your perception and way of thinking, as with anything this will require a degree of faith, but just to be clear this method of thinking may change your life but by reading this book and following the excersizes you will not become a mindless lost soul, such thoughts are nothing more than fear. This way of thinking may take you out of your comfort zone and at times you will question why you are doing this, all I can ask is that you carry on regardless with an open and positive mind, and look back when it has been completed. Learning is a two part process, learning through information, and learning through doing/experience. Imagine climbing a rope ladder, you need both legs to climb it, and learning is very much like this!  Equally I have read books that are too advanced and I have found myself in the field and learning and realising what the book was referring to, then re-reading the book has then opened up new avenues, a good book will always develop us even at different stages. In the writing of this book I have attempted to place everything in order of learning, but It will be prudent to relate back to the excersizes, at a point you may well find yourself naturally doing these excersizes, as you realise your potential. This is very much an objective of mine, and I hope you enjoy it! 

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