Our connection with the Infinite consciousness:
So to sum up, I am proposing that there is an infinite consciousness which is everything combined, this consciousness divides itself up creating and re-inventing itself inwards within itself. The consequence of this process is the levels of consciousness, forms of life which differ but are still interconnected as the observations suggest. There may be "no plan" or self consciousness at the primary level, in which case the primary purpose seems to be to express itself, or to interact with itself, possibly in an attempt to become more understanding with itself.
We are in fact a level of this consciousness that has evolved to become self aware, this is not through pure chance, there are rules within nature but there is no evidence I have come across to suggest we were supposed to evolve in the way we did, it seems to be a consequence to this expression. So we are probably here because we are, we are a form of unintentional art, call it a perfect expression – especially when we can see this based on our self awareness which can be viewed in reference to us, our species, nature, the planets, the universe.
So if we are a form of consciousness, a part of the overall perfection, then can we create the same partial consciousness, in fact I believe that we have done and continue to do so. When you look back at all the earths religions, and Gods – when the religions have changed and the new gods have come in to be worshipped these perceptions came from humanity, over time it is very possible that a form of consciousness has been created by our very beliefs, a form which can be communicated with.
I see the infinite consciousness almost as a mirror, and in many respects what you put in you will get out. Bearing in mind that this happens mostly as a collective process, if the correct conscious signals are sent out then the infinite consciousness will respond.
Since coming to this understanding, I tend to view things in a different light. For instance a book is a level of consciousness, packed with information which is able to program my consciousness. Applied with the ability to "become greater" I can perceive this process with a deeper understanding, to make the best use of this.
Art, music, literature, are all forms of consciousness on a new level, the level which comes from our level. When you think about this we are creating a whole new reality, and consciousness, especially when our art, music literature is often designed to express the very forces which exist within the infinite consciousness itself. Doesn't this take expression to a new level literally!
In an age where we are able to create computers and technological creations, also the genetic evolution, we are not far away from creating intelligence and a level of new life altogether. Although we are not at the point where we fully understand consciousness and our symbiotic link with a greater consciousness, we are not far away, and surely the research and conclusions in this book deem it not far away.
In life there is a rule, if you think of it then so have at least 50 other people around the world, so based on this I am sure that many who read this book may have even progressed further from the content. Interestingly how inventions and ideas can be generated on different sides of the earth, is this a direct result of a shared consciousness, an infinite consciousness perhaps?
To try and tap into that creative consciousness, why don't you draw an inspired picture. Get a sheet of paper and a series of coloured pencils or pens. Pick a colour for each of these levels:
- The universe
- The Sun
- The Earth
- A volcano
- The ocean
- A tree
- A mouse
- you
- your house
- A molecule of slime mould
Without any planning or logical thought other than assigning a colour for each thing, jus go with it and enjoy it. Art is better when we just allow the creativity to flow. Speaking as a musician it always feels like the creative part is of external influence, again perhaps this is the infinite consciousness expressing itself through ourselves.
Repercussions of disconnection with the infinite consciousness
Now I have done some observations myself and when you look at today and the level of population, which is very high and the quality of the average genetic profile for each human, I believe it is conceivable that for the average person - we are becoming inferior. We are more prone to conformation, and society is almost becoming robotic, monotonous and less creative.
This may be a contradiction to other points but I believe we are becoming further from the source of the infinite consciousness, and for most people they are stuck on a level of human consciousness that limits and inhibits them. It is possible at any time to connect to the infinite consciousness and create and produce something remarkable for all to wonder, and I also think these creative sparks flow throughout the consciousness of mankind perhaps in a morphic resonance method in which Sheldrake is proposing.
The key to mankind's prosperity is to bear in mind that we have access to this creative force, this infinite consciousness and also that we do not need to procreate quite so massively, as we can work on what we have. Unfortunately this is nowhere near a priority at present as the worlds leaders seem to be reacting to a multitude of problems, and we do not seem to be in control of the species and its evolution. The phrase quality not quantity would seem to resonate quite well at this point.
Healing/ Health:
During the research complied in this book I have looked at various healing techniques, some of which use a method to contact external forces such as spirits , some use energy from one person to another to directly treat illness, some use vibrations and the local environment, and others use mental techniques combined with physical treatments. There are far too many alternative healing treatments to mention here so I have focussed on these key ones. The interesting thing to note is that each alternative healing technique seems to have benefitted many people and each with their own success stories, some almost miracle like. At first glance alternative healing techniques seem to be pseudo in nature, applying no physical practition but mental projection, but each should be investigated individually. I fully accept that wanting and believing one can be healed is instrumental to healing some illnesses and diseases, but I am also open to the possibility that there are some other things at work, hence the lines of inquiry. Remember in modern medic the placebo effect is involved in many successful treatments, and if it works then it should be used above all other judgements.
A lot can be said for much illness being caused by a failure to be in the right place at the right time, stress and other effects can manifest themselves in physical pain. Quite often a simple change in lifestyle, eating habits, regular excersize and spending time in nature away from electronic influence can have very beneficial effects.
I haven't done enough here around Shamanism and healing, but Terrance Mckenna has and listening to some of his youtube clips after investigating he has Identified some key points. The Shamans use drugs to induce a dream world which can provide many answers to what the Shamans seek, i am very doubtful that the skeptiks have investigated this, a great book I have read which inspired a fantastic Rock group is Albert Huxely's "The doors of perception"
During the research "Plant Spirit medicine" was researched as a part of this, "Elliot Cowan" studies this form of medicine in which he learns from the shamans that the power in plant healing is less homeopathic and more spiritual, and that the healing is about inviting the plant spirits to heal. In the book there are cases of compelling healing results in which western medicine was unable to produce. In fact it is rarely documented but there are examples of travelling through the mind to contact spirits or guardians, based on the propositions contained within this book, I do not find it difficult to accept that this is possible. Again, if we apply the infinite consciousness principle in as much as the information is there and accessible, many varying means may be utilised in order to bring this information to us on a materialistic and useable level, shamanism may be just this > information retrieval.
Reike/ Qigong:
There are many successful qigong practitioners, using qi - a type of healing energy to help and in certain situations cure people. The treatment is ongoing and gradual in the most of impressive of cases, interestingly heat and in some instances, smoke can be seen emanating from the palms of the practitioner. Having spent time witnessing Reiki and having it performed on me I have concluded that yet again the scientific / sceptical argument doesn't explain it. There are many cases I am sure of pseudo healing, but this radiating heat with associated effects of dizziness, euphoria and other side effects becomes difficult to explain. I would strongly advise witnessing it, and if necessary considering it as a viable treatment depending on the issue.
The human shakra points:
A brief explanation of Chakra points:
The 7 Chakras are the energy centres in our body in which energy flows through.
Blocked energy in our 7 Chakras can often lead to illness so it's important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely. Here's our quick summary:
Blocked energy in our 7 Chakras can often lead to illness so it's important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely. Here's our quick summary:
1. Root Chakra - Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.
- Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.
- Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food.
- More on Root Chakra healing
2. Sacral Chakra - Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences.
- Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in.
- Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality.
- More on Sacral Chakra healing
3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.
- Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.
- Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem.
- More on Solar Plexus Chakra healing
4. Heart Chakra - Our ability to love.
- Location: Center of chest just above heart.
- Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace.
- More on Heart Chakra healing
5. Throat Chakra - Our ability to communicate.
- Location: Throat.
- Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth.
- More on Throat Chakra healing
6. Third Eye Chakra - Our ability to focus on and see the big picture.
- Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra)
- Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions.
- More on Third Eye Chakra healing
7. Crown Chakra - The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually.
- Location: The very top of the head.
- Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss.
- More on Crown Chakra healing
There is merit in understanding that there is a physical connection with our mental and spiritual wellbeing, and I see the benefits allowing specific issues to be treated. When you meditate you may feel like your third eye Chakra has opened. As some of your spiritual excersizes continue you may also find that you feel heat emanating from your palms or other parts of your body, this is your physical becoming aware of the energy, and the heavenly side.
Sound healing:
The realm of sound healing is connected with the idea that the universe is vibrating, each person or object has a resonance frequency and its a matter of finding the correct resonance to provide us with a perfect healing environment. Music and vibration has many useful effects, wether it be to induce a relaxing environment, or provide great social participation. Chanting, drumming and other methods of sound can have beneficial effects, and when used in a group it can create very powerful energies that can be very beneficial. Tribes and ancient groups were aware of this and its been heavily speculated that the layouts of ancient sites may have been designed to utilise these energies in an acoustic nature. In reference to the infinite consciousness, sound and vibration is an expression of this infinite energy, creating chains of physical reactions that echo throughout the physical.
Quite often in life we experience trauma, and this stays with us and can manifest itself in phycological and physical traumas later on in life. Dealing with previous trauma is important, this can be done through many mediums, one method I have experienced which is acupuncture quite useful is E.F.T. With E.F.T, we learn to forgive ourselves and anyone related to a traumatic experience in our past, while tapping various pressure points around the body, this method has been described as acupuncture without needles.
So what happens when we tap ourselves in certain places, is this mere intent? I think not as if any places are tapped then the effects have not been the same. Intent is a part of it but as with auric fields and chakra points
It seems that could be physically connected, at certain points and by tapping we are sending a signal out, to the real us, an infinite consciousness, I am not sure but if there are levels of consciousness there are perhaps points that connect the different levels of consciousness, this can perhaps explain some phenomena.
Often in conflict we tend to adopt one of three positions, the persecuted, the persecutor, or the rescuer. In a conflict we react to the situation normally in one of these ways, and in most conflicts where we are the persecuted, it is easy to become reactive and become the persecutor. As an innocent bystander we are often faced with a choice of getting involved and it is easier to be the rescuer. The greatest of us will take responsibility and become the rescuer when being persecuted against, or persecuting. The easiest way of doing this is to take a deep breath and see the situation from outside of our perspective, i.e become an observer, then we can take the position that is beneficial to all sides.
For information about E.F.T, a free introduction guide can be found online, along with many testimonials. For this excersize get comfortable, think about a time where you were involved in a dispute, perhaps this dispute ended badly for yourself or someone else, you or someone else may have been at fault. Think about what happened, and think about who was involved. Think about the other people involved, and how they felt, and how you had of approached the situation as an innocent bystander attempting to settle the situation. Think about the possible motivations of those involved, and whether you could have done anything differently. Remember in every conflict, both sides are in the wrong, it is easy to justify ourselves based on other peoples actions or reactions, we should truly base our actions against what we know to be right and wrong, irrespective of the other side. Ask yourself, is there truly anything else I could have done? And be honest.
Now start your breathing excersizes, and envision the face of the people involved, see the beauty in that person, the variation, and that their involvement in the conflict has bought you to a point where you are able to understand and learn from the encounter. Can you forgive them, take into account all of the events involved, is it possible that you could have reacted like that, or perhaps the person was troubled and looks back at the situation in embarrassment, imagine if they could forgive themselves for this in order to learn which would bring about a different circumstance next time. Can you forgive them?
Take a look at your own actions in the situation, why did you behave the way you did, would you do it differently next time, and can you forgive yourself? Acceptance is the first point of preventance, can we take responsibility for our actions, can we learn from them, can we become the metaphorical rescuer? Can you imagine what you would do as an innocent bystander, could you diffuse the situations, both sides are important, so understanding should be shown to the respect of both sides, and also forgiveness for any wrongdoing.
As you reach a conclusion, where you accept the wrong acts which led to the conflict and forgive the sides involved imaging a perfect white sphere emulating from your body and maintain this, this is a ball of love and forgiveness, and you wish to send this to those involved. Make sure at the end of the excersize you thank yourself for understanding. This process takes courage, and may be difficult to start off with as we are indoctrinated to blame in todays society. In effect when we blame we are giving away any empowerment, the key is to take responsibility in any situation regardless of who's at fault, understanding goes a long way.
So the infinite consciousness, is it aware. It is entirely possible, but this belief is not consistent to my current understanding. It is easy for us to apply our own identity onto the world around us, we need only look at disney pixar films where cars and creatures are personified. In truth throughout myth and religion, nature has been defined using animals or gods to represent elements of itself, i.e The Egyptian gods. The truth is on planet earth the only species which would seem to be self aware is humanity, but I think we try to take comfort in not being alone, which is partially why we have felt the need to create icons and self aware entities that punish and reward us, for good and bad behaviour. This idea is a primitive form of morality, good and evil, concepts which we have little need for today. In truth the only weakness we have is fear, all of our undoings stem from fear, self fear & fear of the unknown. Some belief systems rely on fear to guide morality, the only true belief systems are individual specific, the personal journey with the infinite consciousness is the most important, the ways and means that this manifests itself to us is irrelevant to anyone else. We must remember our connection with the infinite consciousness, the names and stories are unimportant. If the infinite consciousness reveals itself in the form of an eight headed serpent that likes cricket then great, no one else is to argue otherwise.
A recent subject of research, during the research a connection to the paranormal was evident. My interpretation of this synchronicity subject was a self motivational one. I have found many perceptions / many ways of viewing reality, they all have benefits and the secret relies on being able accept that these are just perceptions and not truths. I would go one step further in that I believe that everything is the interaction and transfer of data, information, and that one way of perceiving things is through the idea of synchronicity. Essentially this would mean that perhaps there is no actual movement, but this is a consequence of our perception combined with the transfer of energy itself. I.E the moon is synchronised to the earth, the earth with the sun e.t.c, there would also have to be ratios, between them, perhaps mass itself doesn't exist just ratios of data being transferred. I guess to get back to the point I was attempting badly to make, if consciousness is data, then mentally we synchronise ourselves to things. Take advertising for example, it relies on the human need to belong, to define oneself, if the advert describes a desirable lifestyle choice we accept it in, we purchase the product and give it our attention. Now the deeper meaning to this is when we do that we open up a steam of information/data coming from the intention of those behind it, this information may be good or bad / and we may not be as consciously aware about it as we may think.
Life is full of opinions, clubs, unions, football teams, schools, religions, films, hip hop, pornography, competitions, cars, fast foods, beers,.... and so on. If in fact we are witnessing the direct transfer of information, and intent is involved we should not be so willing to give ourselves fully to them, which is difficult to stop even when you are aware of it!
The plus side to synchronicity is it may help to explain how as a collective humanity is very strong, when many synchronise to a better goal – the goal becomes a force of its own, a consciousness perhaps...
Also it may help to explain a great deal with some of the other areas of the book, for instance were the ancient megaliths used in some way to synchronise the area / inhabitants somehow, perhaps this promoted growth and health, the subject of megaliths was about to unfold....
In this way perhaps the best healing tool is being part of a group, being synchronised to them, being synchronised to nature, the sun and elements within it. Perhaps understanding this synchronicity may help massively also, and any perceptual tools should be employed to help this.
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