Dowsing is the ability to locate objects, people or answers to questions by using a subconscious response. Most dowsers use a tool, L-rods, forks or pendulums, although some can device-less dowse. There are many theories on how this can work, but there are two main theories or ideas about how this works. The first is that all objects have a field, and give off a signal, when a dowser gets near or above the desired object they feel a response in the tool.
The second is that the question goes out to a being, entity, or higher form of consciousness, then goes back with the required answer although there is agreement that this method is not 100 per cent, and some areas seem to be more accurate than others. The second is more esoteric, but in my experience this is the better fit. Map dowsing works in some instances also and it is a remote process, which again would indicate a conscious/unconscious link. Again, if our consciousness is able to break itself up and literally find the answer, then again this would imply that this consciousness travels within a greater consciousness. Going by the earlier theories dowsing seems to be another way of the conscious mind to tap into an unconscious phenomena, one which is most likely beyond our own unconsciousness minds. Some claim to use spirits and guides from beyond the veil, I cannot unfortunately confirm or deny this but the probability leads one to deduce the information is coming from somewhere.
Through my own personal experiences I have found Dowsing has at times worked with a remarkable degree of success, and at other times i have found it to be less accurate. This doesn't lead me to deduce that it doesn't work, especially when the ideometer response doesn't cut the mustard - more that it needs more work done to establish why this it, but like anything I am sure it involves the mind and a lot of practice, I seriously recommend giving it a go!
Personally I find that when I am dowsing on site with some L-rods (my personal favourite) If I come across water my rods will divert toward the water
Trying to explain dowsing is difficult, it is better to have a go and see for yourself.
Rod dowsing:
Get a couple of wire hangers, turn them into an L-Shape. Get some plastic biro's and remove the ink, and contain the rods inside the plastic tubes, Hold them in your hands like this picture.
Then find a water drain, either in your garden or in the house, walk towards it while saying in your head "please show me the water drain as I cross", and see if the rods move at all when you walk above the water. The trick is to hold the rods at an angle where they can move freely but gravity doesn't take over. Many people can dowse first time but some others it takes a little longer. If this doesn't work then keep trying, but in my experience trying too hard will counteract the objective.
If this doesn't work then try marking out a line with some string, and when you cross the string envision the rods moving. You may need to move your hands to get the rods to move initially, but over time they will move without this movement. Practicing this will help you to learn to dowse hidden targets, going back to the water dowsing, imagine a drain under you somewhere and the rods moving when you get above it, hopefully they will start to move in a consistent place, for best results dowse the garden and mark a map out with where you suspect their to be water, then research and find out exactly where the drain may be. Compare the results and see how you done! Water dowsing is excepted by many around the world, mainly as a magnetic consequence. If you find faith a hard subject to approach, then water dowsing may be a window into the esoteric arts and unlocking your potential. I know respected scientists who dowse, they continue to dowse because they get results.
Dowsing is a method which has been used for centuries, I have found generally that methods that are a part of our history then there tends to be some truth, unfortunately anything which isn't favoured by science, tends to be ridiculed. It is widely accepted by many still though that dowsing can be used to locate water, generally accepted as a magnetic consequence, however science doesn't really explain this, and In my experience communication with a force seems to be apparent, what this force is I am not sure of but the following chapters have various theories and my final conclusion.
Pendulum dowsing:
A dowsing pendulum is an object suspended by a cord, used for obtaining information which the normal senses are unable to access on a conscious level. You could improvise with an everyday object, such as a pendant, a chain, a plumb bob or a ring on a thread. However, a purpose made pendulum is best because it has a shape and geometry, that is, a symmetry. This allows the swing to be more even and, more sensitive and therefore more effective. The pendulum, as an extension of the person using it, may be influenced both consciously and subconsciously making the responses accurate as well as inaccurate. Wishful thinking or a preconceived outcome, however slight, can be magnified making the use of the pendulum in that instance ineffective. The user must take steps to prevent this. Insufficiently specific questioning can result in senseless responses.
Generally a pendulum is used to obtain information, most commonly, a yes or no response, furthermore charts can be used to establish specific dates, numbers e.t.c. A rod can also be used in this way, although a rod will give a direction also, which is very handy for finding specific items e.t.c
Personally I struggle to get accurate responses from a pendulum, and feel better using my rods, so I stick to these so its entirely up to you but I would recommend trying it and seeing the results that you get.
Follow the above advice in reference to the object to use, it helps if you have a bond with the item you are using, whether this comes after the selection or before is not important. Try asking some questions, although it is important that you always ask three questions before dowsing for anything, this is known as the can I , May I , should I questions. The can I is asking if you are physically able to dowse the target, may I is asking for permission, and if it is correct and just that you should dowse and the should I Is a check whether you think that you should dowse question. It is important that you get a yes to these questions otherwise your results will be influenced.
For the purpose of getting to this point you should establish what your yes response will be, as for everyone it is different. Ask the pendulum to show you the yes position and record the movement. If you get no movement, this may be the response, but it is possible to implant your own response, try moving the pendulum in a clockwise motion, while saying this is yes. Then ask for the no response, and again the same thing applies if you get no movement, try anti-clockwise. After practising this you should be able to ask some questions that you know the answer to, and getting a yes or no response which is defined. Keep practicing it and then try the coin toss excersize. Flip a coin and do not look at it, ask whether the coin landed on heads, and record the answer – check it and see what you got and was it accurate. Another excersize is to do a quiz, asking for the answers, then checking the answers. Initially Most people report a 70%+ accuracy which is not totally reliable but motivation seems to have a direct connection with the accuracy of the answers.
Map dowsing:
If you want to learn map-dowsing, first get yourself a map of an area known to you. Probably the best thing you can do for beginners is to draw a map of your home and yard (if applicable).
Decide what you are going to dowse for and then have the map on a table or flat surface. You'll probably need a straightedge and perhaps a pencil and eraser as well as a pendulum or l-rod.
The pendulum is handiest, but there are small l-rods you can use. So, go with the tool of your choice, the one you feel most comfortable using.
Before starting, just sit quietly for a moment or two and have in your mind what it is you're after. It could be water pipes, electric cables, lost keys, where the water leak really is, the oldest shrub, the healthiest plant or any other thing which you can then go and find visually to check.
Ideally you should have a way of checking the results after the excersize, so make sure you clearly can envision your target, then begin to dowse.
To do this, there are two main methods. Find which one works best for you.
- Triangulation
- Use the straightedge and move it slowly down (or across) the map until you get a hit. You then know that the object is somewhere along that line. Mark the line length lightly with a pencil.
- Change the straightedge so that it is at 90 degrees to the line you just drew. Move it along until you get another hit. Mark that line as well.
- Where they intersect is the location of the target.
- Divide and Conquer
- Divide the map into quarters with your pencil and straightedge. Dowse which quarter the target is in.
- Take that section and divide it into quarters and re-dowse to find the next (smaller) area to check.
- Continue until you have a location or the area is small enough to search.
When you have finished check your results, what did you find? One good method is get a friend or loved one to bury an object somewhere in the garden, envision the said object and see if you find where it is.
Practicing your dowsing skills, and you may find yourself with a useful tool, beware those who use dowsing for financial benefit tend to come unstuck. Personally I have pursued an investigation into the earths magnetic spots and ancient megaliths in relation to the location of these magnetic lines / spots. Dowsing can be used to identify health weakness's and energy, this field in itself is worth investigating. The art of dowsing has also been used to identify land mines and car bombs, as well as oil and water. Due to its inconvenient position in todays society, it may be some time before it is accepted by the mainstream.
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