Ancient sites / Ley lines:
A long ordain research project of mine involved the possible characteristics, intention and purpose of ancient sites. Many theories have been chucked around, many alternative lines of research including, dimensions, alignments, location, geology, sound and resonance properties, and less tangible ones such as earth energy, vibration, feel and memory. The conclusion of all of this research, thanks to the fieldworkers themselves, including Peter Knight, Hamish Miller, Gerald Hawkins, Alexander Thom, most of the research could be done from my armchair and laptop, while a few modest field trips of my own. On the majority of my field trips The observations I concentrated on were the effect of the site onto myself, my consciousness and dowsing for possible energy lines.
Ley lines, are straight alignments where a multiple (3 or more) of ancient sites can be found. There are equivalents around the globe, from fairy lines to dragon lines and often involved with myth and supernatural stories. The most famous includes the St Michael alignment that runs from Hopton on sea on the suffolk coast to Lands end in Cornwall, there is much speculation about ley lines, but it has been agreed that they were perhaps the earliest maps of use for pilgrimage to navigation and trade, they often use natural landmarks like mountains as well as ancient structures like stonehenge. Ley lines do exist as a phenomena and can be dowsed, but they are always straight.
Energy lines or serpent lines are a modern day term for a phenomena associated with ley lines and the sites situated on them. This term was introduced when Hamish Miller and Paul Broadhurst dowsed the St Michael alignment, expecting to dowse the alignment, they actually found two bands of energy that curved over the landscape and meeting at these sites, the bands were called serpent lines and were named Michael and Mary, because of their proposed mating at the sites, in connection with fertility rites that have been proposed to have taken place. An energy line is a band of substance, lets call it x. These bands are detectable via dowsing, vary in width and seem to move in relation to the earths interaction with the sun and the moon.
I picked up the book The Sun and the Serpent by Hamish and Paul, and visited many of the sites without little spiritual understanding, and I found the sites to be remarkable. Different human interactions were expressed with the variety of the sites that seemed to compliment the knowledge of the layout of the energy lines, from ancient to modern, ritual to private society.
This substance which we can detect through dowsing, could be an element of the source itself, veins of consciousness if you like. During visits to sites I have found complex symbols being formed by the energy, much too complex for me to have imagined them. This indicates interaction, may be even communication – on an expression level. The reason I say this is because the symbols which are formed often configure to fibonacci, and sacred geometry, which is linked to the laws of nature discussed earlier. If these are indeed linked then what better evidence for a natural consciousness.
So lets go one step further and suppose that if when we write a book, create a piece of music we are creating a level of consciousness, what then if a group of ancients created a structure which was built near-perfectly mimicked the positions of the moon and the sun? Would this structure become a level of consciousness in itself? Could these sites grow and develop into a consciousness, interacting with us and nature itself. Could this consciousness be self aware, maybe not but at these sites we could communicate with the scale of the infinite consciousness, with interaction. This level of consciousness could store information, past interactions and could share these with other experiencers, in the form of ghosts, angels, spirits, information, memories, anything we could translate within reason.
Of course, even if this is the case this may not have been the intention. The question of the ancient sites may never be answered. Although peace should be found in appreciating the sites, irrespective of their original purpose they have been inhabited for a long time, a lot of residual energy can be found there.
This excersize is designed to get you thinking about an ancient site. You will need to venture out to an ancient site, if you have never been to one, visit the megalithic portal online and find the closest ancient site. You would be better searching for a bronze/stone or iron age structure, open to the public and if possible connected to an ancient trackway and an ancient spring. Take the relevant equipment, such as boots, day sack, waterproofs and two bottles, one empty if you are visiting an ancient spring (or holy well). Th idea of this journey is to experience a pilgrimage type existence that the ancestors before you may well have walked. In doing this you will become more susceptible to the consciousness of the place, and you may even experience the expression we were talking about in this section. If you cannot gain access, or am unable to walk then just visit the site itself. If you can gain information on the site before hand this is useful, and if you can imagine the site itself from this information then even better, a meditation experience may also be useful, before you get to the site.
When approaching the site, try to follow your instinct, and engage the section about mindfulness, try to taste, touch, smell, and see the site, try to imagine all of this in its time. Ask yourself where the best place to sit is, If you dowse, after asking should I, May I, Can I, ask to find out where the best place to sit is, if the site has an entrance then ask the best way of entering. If you get an instinct to sit somewhere then start to question it, then ignore it then run with your intuition, sit there as long as its safe and possible. Then get yourself into a meditation position, relax your breathing, try to imagine your mind being free and filling the space around you, if it is a contained area, try to fill the space. After a few moments relaxing and breathing in sync with the site, ask slowly wether the consciousness would like to make itself known to you, and see if anything happens. Don't worry if not, developing a relationship with a site in this way may take time, or you may find at a later point that a residual consciousness may reside within you and communication may happen later. In any case once you have opened up you will find that experiences may happen, and these will help you, guiding you in a positive manor. I have found that a site consciousness will respond to you on an individual basis, you may find that you start to dream about a place, or you will feel a sense of belonging when you return to a site. I should mention that physic protection should be considered when doing this type of excersize. This is similar to the excersize listed before, imagine a white light around you, this is everything positive, when mastered this bright light will literally leave you in awe.
Creating a consciousness:
In writing this book, I have also been researching at sites, history and our relationship with these places. I seems that from early days we had a tendency of perceiving places as important, from a very early age we pilgrimaged to places that were considered sacred, or nipples of the earth. Defining the earth as a living entity can be found in the depths of our history, and in fact many of our activities and building structures may have had a lot to do with recognising, worshipping, and utilising the earth as a living entity, or as I propose: raw consciousness.
In this way when a site was visited often then it would have become more important, well known and If I am correct the earth would have interacted with this migration, and meeting at these sites, and over time this would have developed the sites as well as those using the sites, perhaps even ancestral communication was possible.
If we theorise one step further then we could also say that some of the megalithic sites may have been a creation of consciousness, perhaps the ancients saw themselves as creators of consciousness, not a life form but a piece of perfect art in relation to their understanding. The alignments may have been part of the intention of the site, aligning it to the sun and/or moon would have given the site a specific feel, something to help trigger the relationship with those using the site, this would have surely had an effect of the earth itself.
Often when visiting ancient sites one can feel strangely draw in , often feeling that the shape of the stones and features tells a story about the personality of a site, of course you could be forgiven for dismissing such thoughts as personification and the apparent need to compare oneself to the world around them. I would contest this, but that is a primary observation, you will have to make your own.
Excersize : Dowsing at an ancient site:
Rods are the preferred method to dowsing at ancient sites as the rods will show a direction and you can find yourself being led around a site. You can use pendulums but these are difficult to master and give less information, but remember that you are the dowsing tool, the rod or pendulum is an extension. Start off by finding a local ancient site, this may be a stone circle or similar megalithic feature, a tomb, or a cairn, failing this you could find a church, a lot of churches were re-built on ancient sites. When you get to the site, make sure you ask permission to enter the site – there are many reasons for this but I think that this falls in line with what we have been talking about in that the site is a form of consciousness, and that you wouldn't just want people poking around in your head. When you get to the site you follow the preliminary work before visiting the site, i.e are you looking for energy, processional routes, burials or something else. I always try to find a "best position" for me, so ask the rods to show you the direction of the best place for you, the most healthy place for you, and follow the rods. Dependant on your level of dowsing, you may need to train your rod responses, but lets go with a crossing of the rods to indicate the exact spot, so ask or envision the rods crossing in that spot. Don't worry if you don't get it first time, but if you do ensure you sit in this spot and meditate/ envision positive energy so that the place and the next person can enjoy the experience just as you have done. I always hunt for energy lines, and I will walk until I reach an edge to an energy line at which point the rods will open up in the t-position, I have perfected this so that the rods will run in line to the edge itself, so if I am at an angle then the rods will reflect the true angle of the line, I then ask for the direction/flow of the line and the rods will move in the direction. Often when you dowse further down i.e closer to the floor the rods will change direction, implying that the lines are made up of alternating lines, i.e positive/negative. When I find the edge of a line I will then ask for the middle of the line and continue, and then the other edge of the line. If you mark the lines you then can work out the width of the line. Often at ancient sites there will be a feature marking the point where two or more of these lines cross, this implies that there is a link between the ancient sites and the lines, of course this may be coincidental, but that is the beauty of this investigations. Where these lines cross they form a node, which is the fusion of the two energy lines, these may be very beneficial or negative, dependant on the energy lines and the person experiencing them, this is why you should dowse for beneficially. Many dowsers ask as a percentage how beneficial the lines are, and this gives a level of which to compare, why don't you try this with the spot you found. When you have found a line, try and find another, and find the node, again ask or envision the rods crossing then you reach a node, beware though a node may be quite big in size, so you may need to ask for the centre point of the node. We will cover geoglypths and nodes a little more later on. So you may have found a spot where there is beneficial energy, perhaps you have meditated and performed some excersizes here, you may have found some energy lines, and even a node, and you may even have found a node which compliments the site itself. I expect if you try this at different sites you will be captivated as I have.
Using and understanding energy in nature:
In this area I want to explore the subtle energies and how they could have negative effects, and how they can be used for benefit.
Geopathic stress, is a name termed to the areas where damage to health can occur, these are natural areas where perhaps water or energy cross and give off harmful energies which over time can cause damage to ones health. It has been said that in severe cases cancerous growth in tissue can occur, but this is obviously scorned upon in todays society. In the East a lot of the practices explained in this book are common place, and feng shui is the practice of preventing geopathic stress, this method is about the harmonising of ourselves and our buildings so not to create areas where damage can occur , and the energy cannot flow freely. Today there are many dowsers who can remove or move bad energy, I personally find this a difficult area to approach as different people have different reactions to different energies and moving energy may have an adverse effect on somebody else, as well as the force / life-force behind it. My method is completely respectful to all energies wether they are considered positive or negative. My method is creating a "light space", which is a small area where you can imprint your energy, and invite positive energy to create a bubble if you like. This will be formed of the white chi energy we have been discussing earlier in the book, and you can use this to feel good, in a way we are creating a spot like that of which we can find at the ancient sites.
When dowsing you can find areas of geopathic stress, likewise you can find beneficial areas also, some of these areas are where other energies cross, which is also called a node. A Geoglypth is a picture, diagram or shape found by dowsing at a node. These are formed by a single convoluted line of subtle earth energy.
When dowsing, the more dowsing that you do, you will come across a geoglypth. In reality there are lots and lots of energy lines, there are fewer of the larger ones, i.e the famous Michael and Mary lines, but there are many many more smaller ones. I once dowsed in the woods for energy nodes and found that every ten paces or so there was one, or a dual node which is even more complicated, each one had a spiral energy manifestation and each one was a different size, and this size seemed relative to the width of the energy lines which were associated with them. This is a very basic image what a node looks like
The node has straight lines stemming/ crossing at the centre (radials), and a spiral line relative to those. If you are careful you can dowse these lines. In addition to this at these locations, one can dowse changeable patterns or geoglypths, a couple of examples are here:
I dowsed one of these in a church once and at the time I was a little sceptical about dowsing, but upon investigation found it to be very odd that if dowsing was a creation of mine that the dimensions of the geoglypth were very in scale with itself. I marked out the patterns and the shapes were quite compelling, this led me to conduct further research, also the nature of the shapes were all new to me but upon investigation there are similar shapes that can be found at these sites.
The geoglypths I have seen seem to fall in line with some of the crop circle geometries and cymatic patterns as well as ancient and reoccurring symbology. It is odd that these shapes seem to replicate themselves throughout these modes, of course the hard standing skeptical view is that all crop circles are fake and man made by claimants found on the internet who do not fit the intellectual profile, or have a true explanation for the anomalies found at the crop circle sites. it may be reasonable to conclude that the patterns are copied from another source, almost like a tattoo artist, but far more mathematically tuned, likewise the implementation is too precise in my opinion to be subsequent to the source of the designs, their very arrangement would seem to be the point itself. I suspect a natural force, or an artificial expression of natural laws.
Geoglypths may be part of another phenomena, the patterns may just be the patterns of how the rods move, hence the replication throughout many different dowsing, but the shapes change : for example if you dowse a node at an ancient site and dowse an energy manifestation or geoglypth, if you dowse it again you can dowse another, this leads me to conclude that we are dowsing a changeable natural substance or intelligence, as i have proposed throughout this book, a consciousness of potentially infinite proportions.
I have realised that Geoglypths are an expression, without purpose - yet a force that I refer to as an infinite conciousness with laws, extremely complex and deep in pattern embedded in the history of mankind. This infinite consciousness could be referred to as God or the power of creation, although I think the modern perception of God and religion is not very compatable with this. Geoglypths are the best thing to try if you are sceptical about dowsing or anything like this, the "ideometer response" is definitely not the cause of dowsed configurations of geoglypths, something tangible is being recorded.
Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration, a subset of modal phenomena. Typically the surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane is vibrated, and regions of maximum and minimum displacement are made visible in a thin coating of particles, paste, or liquid. Different patterns emerge in the excitatory medium depending on the geometry of the plate and the driving frequency. Through Cymatics we can see patterns that relate to nature, normally I would not bring up such a field as being relevant but when you watch a cymatics video you will understand, and this again makes sense with the Infinite consciousness theory, it bridges a gap between sound and expression, and the geoglypths that are experienced, not to mention Fibonacci and Pi and these other mathematical patterns in nature.
The areas that these geoglypths seem to manifest themselves (nodes), as well as crop circles, seem to commonly be found on the ley lines or energy lines that we mentioned and perhaps dowsed earlier. These places can be very beneficial and I have had very potent experiences at some of these sites, buzzing and light headedness, difficulty moving in one direction (against the flow of the energy), enormous sense of well-being, are among some of these sensations but i suspect there are more for those that have investigated this in more detail. These places of beneficial energy are very useful and seem to be marked by ancient and more modern structures potentially harnessed by those aware of such a force. You can also aim to create an area of beneficial energy, I refer to this as a light space.
Excersize: Creating a light space:
Find a spot in your house, if you can dowse then find a spot that is beneficial and that would be a good spot to create a "positive energy spot" or "light space". It may be a good idea to mark this spot with something, or perhaps light a circle of candles – just as a physical representation. Sit inside the circle and imagine a chi ball engulfing the circle, control your breathing to move in and out slowly and try and get the energy to pulsate in time with this so that your chi and breathing are one. Focus on this and meditate, and try to let go and give a feeling or sense of peace and calm. Do this for a while and when you feel it is time to come out of this then slowly bring yourself up, and stand outside of the circle, then project your energy into the circle, and then back to yourself, imagine that the ball is still there and try to maintain it outside of the circle itself. Press against the edges with your hands and feel its resistance, its strength, amazing isn't it! When you have finished ensure that your own energy levels are not depleted and continue in your day. Ensure that once or twice each day you think of the energy ball, and practice inside and outside the energy ball. The light space should be envisioned as being an ares in which you are in complete perfection and good health, you can use it for charging, and if you find that you have a spot or area which is harmful to you then either stretch the light space or create another next to the area you wish to neutralise, whenever you are nearby envision the positive energy, envision the light space being bigger and that your safety zone is protected. Once you have mastered this you can replicate this anywhere, ensure if you are finished that you summon the energy back and allow the flowing of energy to be as it was.
Advanced Energy fields:
Upon a bit more investigation, I have also come across energy fields, or rather information fields. Now you have to be careful here, and remember everything about this theory relies on your acceptance that everything is part of an infinite consciousness and that your perception is driving the whole experience, so with this in mind you are able to explore the infinite potential that our minds and nature offer., it doesn't matter that these fields exist, what matters is there merit towards understanding the world around us. I learnt to dowse objects and people in terms of information, so imagine that very object has an aura or information field, and that the information that relates to that object exists in a field orbiting the object. Our interpretation of this information creates the object in its material sense, in this way its potentially possible to learn to develop some techniques around telekinetic and telepathic abilities. Now the information fields around these objects and people is a spinning field, and this spin relates to other more influential fields such as the sun and the moon, as well as the Earth. You can dowse these fields, and from a health perspective, a smaller energy field suggests a weaker level of health, and generally the older we get the smaller our fields become. Groups of objects and people have combined energy fields and these fields are bigger, this can be useful when dealing with energy work, and circles seem to provide the biggest amount of energy, causing a column of energy combined in which a large field is created. The idea that at nodes, we have an explosion of energy from a point (the centre of the node) and this energy expands outwards interacting with objects and peoples energy fields. This could be described as a matrix, and gets extremely complicated when all energetic links are considered. With this idea, it is possible to imagine that all objects and atoms are connected, and that the energy can be diverted and it could almost be seen as the foundation of the infinite consciousness, the infinite consciousness enters our world through gates. These gates (nodes), seem to have symbology and references to and these references seem to be in the form of symbology that would in a symbolic sense represent the perceptual essence of the infinite conciousness. throughout time partitions in humanity have been aware of this and have sought to preserve the knowledge through cryptic symbols and messages, mathematical geometric configurations often housed on the sites themselves, and perhaps harnessing the force itself acoustically and holistically.
using your dowsing skills from earlier, seek an object to dowse. This can be an inanimate object as information fields exist is an object exists, stand in front of the object then turn around and ask the rods to indicate the endue of the information field, as you walk away from the object you will find that the rods will move at the point. Walk a few steps forward and turn around and ask the rods to open at the same point, this time it should be stronger, and you may even feel the force of the information field while you are thinking of it. Practice this on different objects and compare the results. Try practicing on trees, and measure the distance of the fields. Also you can ask which way the field is spinning, bear in mind that the spin for trees is different above and below ground, the rods will show you which direction the spin is in. Return in 6 months and ask the same question and notice if there is a difference in spin direction. Finally try it on Rocks, and groups of rocks, and even people and groups of people, and note the diastase of the energy field. Try it on young people and older people, but remember to ask or permission first!
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