Infinite Consciousness(I.C):
I have mentioned this infinite consciousness, I want to touch on what it is here. I have realised that if in fact this consciousness is related to our own, then the way we view the world around us is instrumental in everything we are. The basis of Eastern Philosophy is based on perception, using methods and ways of viewing the world, and perhaps not in a literal way. You can go further than this and accept that everything is non coincidental to ourselves, that the infinite consciousness is directly interacting with us, this in itself will liberate you as you will accept that no-one and nothing is incorrect but interpreting this infinite consciousness in different ways, this mindset will liberate you and set you free and is very hard for me to express and explain. Before reaching this conclusion I was afraid that this mindset was both arrogant, and similar to a god like complex, but the truth is its happening to everyone and I have become the least arrogant I have ever been as a result of it. I do not claim that this infinite consciousness exists, that point doesn't matter - but what is crucial is the way we use our amazing and rare gift of self awareness and perception, we can set ourselves free in this way.
So The infinite consciousness is everything combined, this is a concept that includes no counterpart, no devil/hell. If nothing exists outside of this infinite consciousness, then it is distinctly unique and there is nothing else like it, it could also be described as infinite, hence the sphere:
I have had debates with mathematic specialists about this and as maths is used as a measure to explain the differences of the things around us, then I also use this terminology to aid our understanding of what consciousness, the universe and we actually are. We exist in a physical plain, on a planet, in a galaxy, in a universe. This is the world defined by lines and dimensions, a world where technically a straight line cannot exist naturally, and a circle is nothing more than a concept again created by us, beings at a level operating within this plain. It is interesting that we have surrounded ourselves with creations mimicked from our understanding of the world around us. It seems that we have become explorers of this physical world in which we inhabit, creating mediums, groups and culture exploiting the ways of describing the world around us, science, maths, art and many other culture.
So using mathematics to describe this I would describe the I.C as a sphere, infinite, Take a circle. It is impossible to create a perfect circle, I drew a circle on a highly advanced computer program and even then I could not get a perfect circle, just a series of straight lines, an "imperfect circle".
When you look at this the curved line is made up of lots of straight lines, which all give the impression of a circle. When you look in nature there is no such thing as a circle per se, from a very early age we have used the circle shape for unknown purposes. We are far less able to create a perfect circle than nature is (reference to the electron).
If you get a polygon and add sides you eventually get a shape that looks more and more like a circle , it will never be a circle so in this way I see a circle as being infinite. It is also spoken of that infinity = one, so in this way could I.C be infinite and One, these two ideas combined spells "absolution".
Levels Of Consciousness:
If everything combined equates to an infinite consciousness, then we can try and understand everything within the universe, in terms of levels. If everything combined (the circle) is the top level, there are levels within this which can be explored.
So If infinite consciousness, is everything combined at the top level, there is nothing outside of this. I believe that due to this then this infinite consciousness would not have the capacity to be self aware. What makes us self aware is our perception which allows us to compare ourselves with other things, other levels, without this we would not know who we are, we would not have a basis in which to define ourselves. So I speculate that an infinite consciousness would divide itself up, create within itself in order to become aware or evolve. Exploring itself with different aspects of itself or as I have proposed, levels of consciousness, this infinite consciousness would possibly start to understand itself.
So lets focus on the universe, then the galaxy, then planet Earth, then us, then a tree, then the ground, then the atomic structure (I have missed many levels out for the purpose of explanation). When we look at humanity, we have the conscious capacity to understand ourselves, i.e self awareness. No other level has that in the entirety that we do. This is interesting in itself, as we operate as a level within the Infinite consciousness, we are able to view the universe, and other levels of the consciousness, such as trees, other animals, and ourselves, and we ask the question what does it all mean. I propose that there is no answer, and what I call the Infinite Consciousness is doing just what it is doing, perhaps it does not even know what it is doing at the top level. I also speculate that perhaps our self awareness is the key to this infinite consciousness understanding itself within a multitude of different levels.
Each level of consciousness, is interacting with the same level and other levels. Everything is constantly moving and changing and interacting, but I suspect if we could slow it down and stop it then added the parts together we would reach a perfectly complete conclusion.
I use the term consciousness with difficulty, I do not imply that we are dreaming or existing in a non real time and place. This is definitely real, and there have been many interpretations of reality in the past and present, what I am actually implying is that consciousness as we know and understand it is only a small part of the totality. We see and live in a world today which is translated through our senses, what we hear, see, smell, taste and feel. This seems to orientate through a matrix of information, concentrations of this information allow us as humans to translate these into the world that we see. It is a belief of mine also that this is only a small proportion of the entire consciousness, and that there is another concurrent reality running to the physical one we are emerged in. With Da-Vincis Diagram, I believe this was what he was getting at, a reality intertwined with our own - I call it heaven (a different analogy to the religious connotations today).
The diagram implied another dimension or plain to that of our own existence. It has been speculated that this plain, alternative to our own, where time is not linear and everything is fluid, call it pure energy. This is all totally theoretical, but many references have been made toward "lifting the veil", and N.D.E's seem to be indicating an experience which may be referred to as this. Where people have witnessed an energetic reality just before waking up. This energetic reality is going on all around us, and is invisible - many phenomena link to this invisible energy platform, many of this is discussed later.
We are talking about subtle energies here, and these subtle energies relate to ourselves and the world around us and there are physical connections to this energy. Think of it as when something physical happens that there is a cause and the physical effect is a consequence of the cause, i.e the energy underneath. I realise while re-reading this that this may be difficult to accept and enters into a realm which is hard to prove and quantify, probably labelled as magic or nonsense by todays reality, and I expect to loose some of you here, but please keep reading.
All matter has an energy field or a field of information, with organic matter this energy field is larger and it spins. I have found this through research while using dowsing as a tool. I cover dowsing later but what I wanted to do here was introduce you to the energetic universe around us, based on research and actual field work, NOT speculation. I have already speculated around the Infinite consciousness, and that we are able to perceive this on a conscious level. I also believe that we are able to connect with the infinite consciousness in other ways by tapping into a world around us which is more connected than we believe consciously. There is a multitude of psychic phenomena, experiments, and data that is not consistent with the skeptical view of the world and there must be an explanation for this phenomena, and the most realistic is the Rupert Sheldrake idea of Morphic resonance. His explanation is this:
"I think that we—humankind—are connected to everybody we think of and to all the places we are attached to through our extended minds. Our minds are vast, far-reaching, and spatially extended networks of connections in space and time—networks of immense scope in which the brains inside our heads are but a portion…"
Sheldrake has been censored due to accusations of non scientific methods, which I find rather amusing in itself, his science seems to be pretty neat to myself. One of his experiments detailed a group of rats in three locations across the world (New York, Sydney and London) When tricks are taught to some of the rats it seems that after a control experiment that the rats in the other two locations were also able to learn the tricks quicker, suggesting a morphic link between the rats.
When I read about this work I have to again agree that the suggestion of an infinite consciousness, or rather a consciousness level of which we are all a part of - which can be embraced and utilised perhaps. Speculation I guess but I found it interesting.
Now this book touches on many energetic methods of healing and arts, one method I have found may be of use is energy balls. I have seen and been able to generate an energy ball, which sounds absurd, but lets go into this for a minute.
If we are living in an Infinite consciousness which we are a part of, and at some level there is a connection between everything is it really so hard to imagine that we are able to divide ourself up similar to that of the infinite consciousness. Providing the medium of energy we can create, using our own energy a subsection of energy within the infinite consciousness. The next excersize touches on this, but If you feel uncomfortable at this point I suggest that you skip it and return at a later date.
This is another mental projection excersize, so get comfortable and start the meditation technique again. If you haven't already done so naturally, imagine that you have a third eye, on the middle your forehead, many people when they meditate notice this completely naturally, but if not then just imagine a point in between your two eyes and slightly above and all of the energy within your body flowing through this small area, a little bit like a funnel. If you are uncomfortable about the energy thing then imagine your body is like a bottle and it is full of energy which you could envision like a liquid.
Practice this over and over until you feel confident to imagine yourself creating a ball of energy in front of you. Imagine a ball in front of you, and use your hands to define the size of the ball, start from the centre and pull your hands apart to stretch out the ball, continue to focus on the ball. You should feel heat coming from your palms, this is known as Chi in the East and is an integral part of their arts.
You can go further and Imagine this ball in the corner of the room, imagine it being a specific size, then imagine stretching it, increasing it in size. Try moving the ball and putting it in different places, imagine that you can see down from this point and imagine what it looks like to look from this point, what you look like. Finally imagine several different points simultaneously all around you, and emanating from you third eye and your belly a huge ball, try and focus on this and move it changing the size of it.
Using our perception, we can even identify adopting a different perspective, even from points we have never perceived from. We can also use basic mathematics to aid us to understanding how great our potential really is in perceiving things allegedly outside of ourself. This perception identifies that we are connected to this infinite consciousness, us being a part of it so the potential can be explored.
Becoming Greater:
I have evolved somewhat from the troubled teenager with a huge dent in my shoulder, and I can distinguish points where I have made decisions based on the personal experiences I have had. I have spent times at ancient sites, have had conversations and experiences interacting with a force which I cannot distinguish. I have made several conclusions about this but in essence, this has helped me to understand my potential, from that point I have filled out the gaps. For me a spiritual journey has been completely personal, I had not shared these experiences and only used a few to help get the point across.
Based on the theories I have made, I recognise that these theories are tools to help me understand myself and my position within the world around me. They may not be true or untrue, this is not a scientific perspective, but a personal discovery. Art and the creative elements seem to be at the source of everything, nature seems to be a form of expression with a complex set of rules which allow a huge potential, then a series of almost random creative expressions, order and chaos as one. To bear witness to this process while originating from within this process is amazing.
That is exactly what I think we not only have the potential to do but also the licence and the natural duty to do. The next series of chapters are designed to help us (our consciousness) tap into our potential and become an observer to the fundamental world around us which is a level of the infinite consciousness. What we have to remember is we guide the infinite consciousness, as we are a part of this and in essence our understanding has an impact on the I.C as a whole.
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