In a day and age in which there is much troubled about the world, a failing economic system, more economic slavery than ever, more poverty and suffering than ever before. One has to start to ask serious questions about the world we live in, many blame people with money, other blame politicians, others blame other things like secret societies. In reality blame serves nothing to fix the problems that we are in, and the problems that we are facing can be easily fixed.
The solution is of a perceptual nature, and our species can be liberated from our level primarily through social and spiritual evolution. We all have the ability to do this, bt this ability is being suppressed unintentionally by the nature of the environment we have created, this environment is capitalism, and it will have to change in order for evolution to take its cause.
This has to happen not politically, but individually and the contents of this book will hopefully aid this progression to an age of unity, rather than an age of suppression and division.
In an age when we have every resource we need to all enjoy a comfortable life, without poverty and separation, the human family needs to be united, and its up to every one of us to bring about this much needed social change.
I dedicate this book to The Past , Present, and Future
You can download a pdf copy of this book from here:
Saturday, 7 June 2014
The Universe And Us :-) Contents and Introduction
- Introduction
- The Meaning Of Life & excersize
- Perception & meditation excersize
- The Miracle of humans & Learning to love yourself excersize
- The World Around Us & Mindfulness Outside Excersize
- The Universe As One & Consciousness perceptual excersize
- Levels Of Consciousness & Out of body meditation Excersize
- The future Is In Your Hands
- Goal setting
- Becoming greater
- Emotional Balance
- Past trauma & Eft Excersize
- Left and right consciousness
- Yin and Yang / tai chi excersize
- Our connection with the infinite consciousness & Free drawing excersize
- Dowsing
- Alternative healing techniques
- Synchronicity
- Ancient sites & excersize
- Understanding and using energy in nature
- Dreams and the unconscious Mind
- Lucid dreaming
- Death the end of consciousness?
- Sending love to loved ones excersize
- Reference material and recommended reads / Authors
- My Personal experiences
Hello and Welcome, I hope you find comfort and some interest in the contents of this book, and above all it challenges you to challenge the world around you. A little about me, if I say I have been homeless, at one point a heroin addict, a complete sceptic, to a spiritualist, needless to say you would be forgiven for assuming that this may be an interesting read! The one thing I can proudly say is that I am very open minded and that I have considered potentially everything, I have spoken to many involved in alternative fields, studied and read many books, as well as experimenting with my mind and the world around me before drawing any permanent conclusions, even now I can only share a series of possibilities which may help to explain possible experiences and events that may have occurred in many peoples lives.
One lesson I learnt very early on was that the truth is a three edged sword, where two extremes lie on either side, and the truth lies in the middle. Often with organisations and groups of people the truth becomes diluted, twisted in the personal vendetta's and politics of groups and parties. I have one explanation for this which is the human need to belong and to define oneself. This often resolves itself in wars and disputes, but if one can remain an observer in life one can indeed find the "truth". By keeping yourself out of things in terms of perception, you can truly evaluate and experience. This book is my interpretation of the "truth", or the best possible truth I can get to. I very much see life as a journey, and the truth is the path we should endeavour to take.
I have met many people who dowse, have had physic experiences, and myself have had life changing experiences, I have heard the sceptical argument, and have to concede that this does not hold the answers, at least not on any personal level. There seems to be a huge sceptical following where many seek to downplay the effects of physic phenomena and other alternative areas, much of this is based purely on accepted science which by its very definition does not hold all of the answers. Science is the process of experimentation based on theorem, and will evolve continuously. Accepted science should not always be taken above personal experience – especially when the media, money and our current understanding are taken into account. Equally as explained earlier the scientific community are indeed on one side, have a very useful series of observations and theories, but for one to maintain a journey of truth, one must also look to ones side. Self confessed skeptics with a claim to fame, state that they hold all the answers and very badly rigged experiments, show many of these skeptics to be fraudulent. James Randi and his million dollar challenge is a prime example. It seems bad science has become a money making venture for some, this in itself makes me suspicious, with all information we receive we should always proceed with caution, this book is no different which is why I have applied as many excersizes as I can so you can see it for yourself, don't just take my word for it. This book is very much a perception widener, and I realise that as you read it it may be too much to expect you to accept it all, but I hope to make you aware of the possibility and the potential and from there you will do the rest.
I propose the idea that scientifically we are where we are as a result of breakthroughs, I believe that these scientific breakthroughs would not happen the same if we did it all over again. I propose that these observations would not occur in the same order if at all, and perhaps different observations would occur instead, and by that I deem science as a possible way of interpreting the world based on events and circumstances. For instance, take gravity, its pretty obvious that objects when dropped will fall toward the earth, but the discovery of the world being round would influence the understanding and theory in the first place. If we came to the conclusion that in fact there was no earth orbiting around the sun but that the appearance of the sun across the earths sky, was a visual consequence of the sun and the earths fields interacting, then gravity would again be perceived slightly differently. You see our current scientific theories are a perception, based on information and previous perceptions, and perceptions will always change. This is why all of my eggs are in many baskets, and like Einstein I believe we should never stop challenging, it is the only way we make progress.
Traditionally I am not a believer of fate, we make decisions based on choice, we hold the key to our lives and circumstances. I also do not believe in luck, as we should take responsibility instead of blaming a force we cannot see, hear or touch. I do however, accept that there is a series of possibilities which we can choose from and in that way it is perhaps conceivable to believe that some peoples decisions are fixed to them specifically in some way, but I believe we can change our circumstances, by changing us. This book aims to explore the methods of connection we have with the world around us, and perhaps an alternative way of viewing yourself, other life forms, and the universe itself.
My aim was to digest all of the data available from all claims and lines of research however fringe-worthy and see whether a truth could be reached which seemed to link all of these ideas, or whether I amongst many others could have gotten it wrong, and whether there was a way of interpreting the physic phenomena, the difference of perception and ideas that we all share to be explained simply, the simple truth untainted by indoctrination of modern life.
The writing of these chapters came only after a series of points where I came to the conclusion that there is something which links everything discussed in this book, and this is described later as a form of consciousness.
In order to grasp the following concepts, you will need to be able to imagine a perspective outside of your normal day to day linear process. This may be difficult as we are designed to think in this way reacting from sequence to sequence, but there are alternative ways of viewing ourselves and the world around us. I have been exploring these perceptions and have come to a very unique and almost enlightening method. It is this method that I hope to share.
I must be honest and state that many of the the ideas and perceptions I speak of are derived from other authors and scientists, I have spent more time than anything conducting research and collating opinions, ideas and almost radical experiments to reach the point I have done, but a tremendous amount of credit needs be shown to those who have helped me to reach a conclusion ( as much as one can be reached with this esoteric thinking).
Each area is followed up with an excersize designed to open your perception and way of thinking, as with anything this will require a degree of faith, but just to be clear this method of thinking may change your life but by reading this book and following the excersizes you will not become a mindless lost soul, such thoughts are nothing more than fear. This way of thinking may take you out of your comfort zone and at times you will question why you are doing this, all I can ask is that you carry on regardless with an open and positive mind, and look back when it has been completed. Learning is a two part process, learning through information, and learning through doing/experience. Imagine climbing a rope ladder, you need both legs to climb it, and learning is very much like this! Equally I have read books that are too advanced and I have found myself in the field and learning and realising what the book was referring to, then re-reading the book has then opened up new avenues, a good book will always develop us even at different stages. In the writing of this book I have attempted to place everything in order of learning, but It will be prudent to relate back to the excersizes, at a point you may well find yourself naturally doing these excersizes, as you realise your potential. This is very much an objective of mine, and I hope you enjoy it!
The meaning of life
The Meaning Of Life:
Ever since day one I have very much been an observer, and would find myself sitting back and observing learning rather than taking part. I have also spent much time observing observations, and the most fundamental one is about us, and our continuous obsession with the answer to "the meaning of life", it has always amused me how we have gotten stumped on this one. I am not saying that I have never thought about it but it has never troubled or worried or even affected my line of research, as I have progressed : the answer in my mind has changed and inevitably become more complex. I always found Douglas Adams's perception from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy to be very amusing, a group of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings demand to learn the Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything from the supercomputer, deep thought, specially built for this purpose. It takes Deep Thought 7½ million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be 42. You see we as humans make things very complex, we create then create within this and basically produce and evolve within a framework of our creation. We seek to develop the things around us, thus developing us and then developing systems to function within this structure. Before you know it our reason or incentive for progression or survival, has become a created system where we progress within the structure we have created. This today is the financial system, capitalism which drives our species forward. There are fundamental flaws in this system, which I am not writing to discuss, but it helps to define the point about humanity existing within nature. We tend to isolate ourselves from nature itself, the very source of our existence!
When I was growing up, I thought the meaning of life was "to survive", due to our current lifestyle we have forgotten this need to survive and aim our minds at the question, unfortunately nature wasn't created to answer one question, although It can answer many and ask even more!
If I had to give a statement about life in the universe and the meaning of it, I would have to say that the characteristics of life is to replicate, express and interact, and that the reason for this if in fact there is one is currently unknown at our level.
Get a piece of paper and a pen, and write down what you think the meaning of life is, and why there has to be a meaning of life, and to whom is this meaning relevant. Place this in an envelope and post it to yourself, and do not open it until you have finished this book.
The primary definition of perception is :
"the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding."
It is perhaps humanities biggest asset, without this ability to perceive then the questions and the meaning and understanding cannot follow. It is also our biggest weakness if misunderstood, as I believe it currently to be by many. So how do we perceive, well we translate the world around us by using our senses, this combined with our memories and instincts tell us what is literally going on. It is said that we all perceive things slightly differently based on our personal experiences and learning. In many ways when we look at something we "feel" it, as our previous experiences with what we are looking at will influence us. In the past this would have led to life and death situations being resolved, today we have evolved emotionally and this is a consequence of this evolution.
A good example of this is how we view colours, which there are two factors which influence what we perceive as a given colour. Our learning tells us what each colour is, and if we have learned from different teachers and different diagrams, then they may be a slight difference in what we call colours. This is identity perception, where we see the same thing but our definition differs. The other theory is based on a scientific theory in which we have different numbers of cone cells which lead to us reading the light slightly differently. a key factor in how we view a colour is memories and state of mind, these very much will influence the way we view a colour.
For example, to put this simplistically, we may look at a Bright red poster and this colour may remind us of a memory of a red tent in which a circus performance we witnessed occurred. This memory may be a very vivid early memory where we had a great time and great positive emotion may be attached with this memory. When we view this poster we may relate back to this memory (unconsciously, or consciously) and see it in a different way, or rather "feel" it, it would be inaccurate to say that we see this colour in a lighter or brighter tone but we feel it in an emotionally reactive response which may seem like things are brighter and more positive. Equally if we are depressed or unhappy then we may see things in an emotionally reactive response giving a darker or duller perception. Often the memories can have a mixture of both or perhaps a feeling of nostalgia, and this sense is not limited to sight, it affects all of the sense. For instance, the smell of cut grass for the first time on a summer day, or the smell of a lovers purfume> we may feel of relate back to a memory in which these conditions applied.
There are disorders in which the weather and light contrast can influence our moods, and a product known as a sun box can indeed be used to simulate a bright sunrise in ones bedroom moments before the person needs to wake up. It would seem that perception is a truly influential part of who we are, and our memories and our moods can influence how we perceive the world around us.
As we have evolved from animals we have become self aware, our perception has developed from instinct to ask questions like "what is that", "who are we", "can we do this", "why are we here" and "does my bum look big in this"! The why are we here question has fuelled many quests and searches, we have in a way been searching for our identity. It is possible that civilisations developed their own answers to this question, but in terms of today we are really extremely capable of solving this dilemma, if not for mankind then for our own personal acceptance.
When I experienced meditation for the first time, for what felt like a short time had passed, several hours had in fact gone by. This was during a spell of incarceration when I had no belongings and learnt to literally escape in myself through meditation. It got me through a difficult time in my life when stress was rife and my actions and character was falsified in order to survive. I always saw meditation as a connection with something, something so vast I could imagine anything, I always imagined nothingness, peace from subconscious thoughts and from stress, allowing release. Incidentally this always felt like release through the chakra points which I would later learn about.
I have tried various meditations, Tai chi excersizes and mental projection techniques which all use the idea that imagination can become intent and intent can become reality. Lets focus on intent, and mental excersizes for a moment.
Get into a comfortable position, sit cross-legged as long as it is comfortable. Loosen up your body, try and relax your thoughts, turn off any instruments, mobile phones and any other distractions. Breathe in through the nose, then relax and breath out through your mouth, slowly close your eyes and focus solely on breathing smoothly. Let the breathing become deeper, don't try too hard to do it it will come naturally if you let it.
Meditation can seem difficult the first few times through trying too hard, it is not a race nor of extreme importance and there is no right way as such, it will come if you let you mind relax. If you get panicking thoughts enter your head do not be annoyed, let them pass - imagine these thoughts as separate entities and smile at them as you would when someone rushes past you to catch a train you don't need to. Remember you are in no rush and any racing thoughts will gradually pass. After a few minutes slowly bring yourself out of it, and open your eyes slowly. How do you feel? Well done this is meditation, and I see it as a disciplined way of doing absolutely nothing!
You can take this further and envision yourself at a beach relaxing, while listening to the gentle sea lapping on a soft sandy beach with the sun glistening on the water, for example, and you can purchase a whole multitude of listening material to aid meditation but ultimately its up to you. Personally I prefer to create silence and think nothing when I meditate.
Meditation seems pointless for the first few times, and one can get emotional after doing this, one can feel angry, or pointless and stupid. Take a step back and approach it again. You have to remember many around the world use meditation and if it didn't work then we probably wouldn't even know about it!
Meditation can be used to help us define ourself within the universe, by using intent we can literally imagine who and where we are, and this can give us a tremendous sense of resolve. If one ever feels doubt or asks oneself why am I doing this? If for no other reason then this method can help you, this in itself makes it worth while!
We will try some other excersizes later.
Humans, truly amazing miracles!
It Always occurred to me at school, that I was remarkably lucky to be who I was. Imagine a situation before your birth and that before your birth, the universe allocates energy to existence and its your turn, you are a blob of energy with lots of other blobs and you could be potentially anything in the universe. It is possible that you could be a single celled organism on some outer world in the galaxy, it is possible that you could be an underwater creature in the pacific, it is also possible that you could be a polar bear on the north pole. It is possible that you could be a tree in the woods in asia, it is also possible that you could be a starving infant in the third world struggling to survive. It is possible you could be a peasant in the dark ages, it is possible you could be a bright person in a country with limited opportunities somewhere in Europe, it is possible that you could be someone in Britain born into a world abundant with food, electricity, and heated houses. Really when you look at it like that, for me, to be me I feel I am extremely lucky, to be in my situation is very good luck, from a probability perspective. If we then combine this with humanity itself, and the level that we are at in terms of the potential we have,it has never been as high as it is today, information at our fingertips, 24 hour superstores, the ability to travel halfway round the world in a matter of hours, we really are extremely lucky. Of course to appreciate this we will have needed to experience the other things, but by looking at this perspective we soon can become more grateful. It is easy with todays society to always want more and never be satisfied with what we have, but we should try to remember what we have, and how lucky we are to have it.
The human body itself is pretty amazing as well, the ability to fight infections, self repair, and grow. When we look at the human body it is incredibly organised, and intelligent. Consciously when we have an infection we don't know about it, we don't have to tell the cells to attack the infected cells, this is an instinctive response, the body knows. The body has rules and laws, as does nature, but at the same time, no person is alike, each of us is remarkably unique! So I can confidently say "there is no-one else like me" I am one of a kind, and this is, Priceless! This is a remarkable thing, especially in a day and age where we are taught to hate ourselves, through the media and our evolution we can never be perfect, when if you change your perception we are in fact, perfect, and this change alone can have massive differences for our lives.
When we look at ourselves consciously, systematically, against all other life, we are perfect in our own unique way. In a way we are a form of art, created by nature. When one truly understand this then questions like the meaning of life lose their significance somewhat, what if the meaning of life it to simply be, at all levels of perfection…perhaps, food for thought!
The next excersize is all about Learning to love ourselves. It is easy to forget how amazing we truly are, in an age where we are obsessed with physical appearance, we should be able to remember who we really are, and I really mean it when I say YOU ARE PERFECT! So lets look how perfect you really are, remember anything which makes us different is not a bad thing, the fact is EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT, even those pretty celebrities you read about in the latest magazine, who incidentally "hate themselves and their look", have funny belly buttons, have birthmarks, have had surgery to correct their individual traits in order to fit into a box of what is socially ideal, they are as unique as you . Well Im here to tell you this ideal is nothing more than an ideal which will always leave you wanting, so look at yourself and remember your beauty, your uniqueness, your perfection.
So what don't you like about yourself, your legs, your eyes, your belly? I have an unusual belly button, when I was younger I used to cover it up when at swimming, I was so embarrassed by it, even now I feel a little awkward when showing it to anyone. No one in the universe, in existence has a belly button like mine, I am perfectly unique in this way.
Every morning I do an excersize in the mirror, to the point it is no longer an excersize, it just is, and I can honestly say I love myself, even My belly button which is a little unusual, its odd but it makes me, ME!
I look at myself in the morning and quite literally "love myself", I think about all the things that are accepted to be a good thing, i.e facial features, any muscular activity, physique, and I am extremely lucky, for I am healthy, I have to be thankful for this for the reasons listed above i.e my situation is lucky, then on top of that I am healthy, built well e.t.c. Then I look at the parts which are not so good, my belly (slightly chubby), my belly button, my narrow pencil ankles, and show compassionate forgiveness toward myself for this, they are minor things but I accept myself and forgive myself for these things. If I felt any one of these things was unhealthy and causing a risk to my health and safety I would make plans to change the way these things are, but I would still show myself forgiveness. The only way I can deal with something is to face up to it first, then take measures to fix it/them, but I would NOT EVER hate myself, this hate will lead to more of the same, as it often does especially with weight problems. The bottom line is if you are healthy, happy and love yourself then you need not change anything, just keep loving yourself.
An extension of this excersize is when laying in bed, I use my intent to show love to each part of my body, many healers and spiritual guides speak of health shakras, I tend not to use all of these, they will become clear to you in time and its whatever works best for you.
When focussing any intent I imagine my body part, I normally start off with the feet, and imagine the shape, the texture, the uniqueness. I imagine my foot as an innocent child (A representation of innocent pure love) mentally cuddling the foot, then I move up the leg, imagining how it feels, the cell structure, the arteries, the complexity, yet innocent. Gradually I work my way through my body and finish above my head.
This excersize works best as well if you forgive yourself for events during the day, which did not go as they should, and perhaps others that are less fortunate than yourself. Perhaps you have a relative who has recently lost a loved one, perhaps send them some good intent. If nothing else this will show yourself that you care about yourself and those around you, this normally works well when trying to get to sleep, almost like tying up loose ends. I find that after this excersize then next morning I feel fresher and "like new", ready to start a new day.
The world around us
The world around us:
In todays modern life ideals we don't have nearly as much time to look around us as much as those in ancient or previous times. In a lot of the research I have compiled ancient megalithic structures like stonehenge can be interpreted using an intellectual profile study, and we can speculate much around our ancestors - in doing so this may help us to understand ourselves, although its really quite fascinating when you look at structures like stonehenge and Avebury among many others.
When Alexander Thom reviewed many of these ancient sites, and more recently Gerald Hawkins along with a lot of archeology, some surprising details were concluded including astronomical alignments and universal measurements such as the megalithic yard. This casts some new opinions about the intelligence of these ancient people.
More recently Jon Morris had concluded that it is extremely possible that some of these structures were used to teach the idea of a fixed world in which the earth revolved around the sun, so almost like a part college/teaching centre function, and centuries ahead of its time. This has helped to build an intellectual profile, implying that from a very early age mankind has understood and needed to understand the world around us, and not just in religious terms.
In nature there are some really remarkable organisms, and the system as a whole is a fine tuned machine, where nothing is wasted and every part of the process is in harmony. The cycle of life is a great example and a great example of the system of nature is Slime mould, the largest single celled organism. For an organism of this type it shows remarkable intelligent behaviour, when a slime mould mass or mound is physically separated, the cells find their way back to re-unite.
We can look at other organisms and even nature as a whole, which is amazing really, we are able to distinguish between the whole and the parts, even while being a part of the system ourselves! Imagine if your blood cells became self aware and started to understand the other parts of the body. In many ways we are just like those red blood cells existing within nature!
There are many ways in which we can see the evidence of nature, and its self replicating parameters. We learn about the life death sequence of a rainforest in school, when something dies, parts of nature – other organisms, digest the material. Life can continue in another form, from our perspective nature as a collective is eternal, parts of the system die and new life is given, and the cycle continues. When you view this cycle as a whole it is remarkable efficient and in fact nothing dies, it just transforms. We only view the ending part as we are an integral part of the system and for us it does in fact die, but what happens if we can perceive our lives beyond this limit?
There are rules within nature, laws if you will, and the most well known is the fibonacci sequence, it is the sequence in which Rabbits breed, plants grow, and the dimensions of spiral shells can be found conforming to. This is known as the golden ratio, and it would imply that nature has its own rules, or laws. Nature seems to provide the scope for randomness to occur, but in fact nature is not random, however complex and seemingly random it may appear. In this way I tend to view nature as a system, as a whole or as described later a level of consciousness.
For this excersize you will need to take a walk in your nearest natural habitat, it could even be your garden, but I would advise you go somewhere you have not been to before or visit less frequently. The excersize we are going to embark on is called mindfulness, which simply put is experiencing in full the world around us. This excersize tends to work better if you just walk, preferably keeping to the tracks, but imagine you are a child on a nature trail for the very first time. The mindset we are going to have is one of optimism, and observation. Mindfulness is all about experiencing with all of the senses, so we breath in the smell of nature take in its beauty through the sights, so we look at a tree follow the branches, how many branches does it have, what colour what does the tree smell of, touch the bark, is it hairy, is there algae? As we walk we should enjoy the sensation of nature giving us life, air, and remarkable sights. Remember the trees, branches and everything else conforms to laws and rules, and it is all completely unique, no tree is the same. How remarkable is this? A system which is so complex, it dies, gives life, follows a pattern but is completely unique. Take a look at the animals, what do they look like, what colour are they, where do they live, what are they doing, what does it eat, where does it live, what happens when it dies - how does the cycle continue beyond its life?
So we can view nature collectively, and independently, when we view this from outside we can see that an intelligence exists, perhaps not an intelligence which is self aware like ourselves, but an innocent unemotional intelligence which exists in single celled life operating within the system. as well as this we have the system as a whole which recycles itself, in complete harmony, all while maintaining a completely complex uniqueness within itself. It is easy to see how one can describe nature as mother earth, and how this may have formed the early earth worship religions and beliefs in ancient times.
The universe as one:
In effect we have no limits to our perception, and intent, which is again pretty amazing, we can imagine at any point anything we wish. However large to however small. So why not start with everything.
Imagine all life, the universe absolutely everything as one. When I think of this I imagine a sphere, a 3 dimensional perfect sphere. Nothing exists outside of this sphere, everything in its entirety exists within this sphere. This can be described as the top level, oneness, wholeness, unity. This is how we envision everything, in a positive light.
I have learned recently seeing the good in things is an important trait so when I view this I get a sense of innocent and extreme perfection and beauty. I refer to this everything in this trait as an infinite consciousness, the unity of everything we know and can see and the energy and the "behind the scenes also".
This excersize is designed to get you to think about where you sit within the universe, in that we can use our consciousness to imagine ourselves at different levels.
So imagine that everything is this circle, or sphere of perfection, a perfect white circle (white as all colour combined is equal to white).
An Electron is supposed to be very close to a perfect sphere, put another way, if the electron was magnified to the size of the solar system, it would deviate from immaculate rotundity by a magnitude equivalent to a human hair, which is almost perfect - a pretty good creation by anything by our standards.
Is this principle also not similar to the planets and orbits, i.e electrons orbiting the nucleus. Nature seems to be scaled, at every level from the slime mould intelligence, to nature as a whole self replicating using a series of rules. So can we be described as mini universes? I like to think so, so lets meditate using the earlier practice. After initiating, try to imagine everything in the universe as a sphere, then imagine yourself as a smaller universe, as a sphere within that sphere.
Then imagine that in your belly theres an even smaller universe, an electron, almost perfect sphere, except that it is a perfect sphere. Imagine that this sphere inside your belly is in fact the universe.
Imagine that the universe being this sphere can be perceived from within or outside, that is the amazing potential that we have being a part of the universe, and I think that that in itself is truly remarkable. Ponder on this for while, imagine the universe!
The future Is In Your Hands
If you haven't watched or read books about the "Law Of Attraction" then do so, a good introduction to this is "The Secret". There seems to be a direct link with what we do and think to what happens to us, down to events which are out of our control, i.e bumping into someone in the street being a direct result of our thought process. The secret describes the law of attraction as a cosmic force, I suggest it is not cosmic or mystical but completely obvious if you stop and watch the things around you and the effect your mindset can have on them.
This in itself is not possible unless you refine the way things may occur, for instance, how does this work for everyone? This theory of the multiverse may help:
I was told when growing up to think of the universe as a multiverse, and my thought process interpreted this as the universe being almost like a spiral, and that there are many versions of this moment in time, and we are switching through those versions based on the actions which we take. I was always taught that my decisions and even mind set was important to the future I hoped to have.
This is based on the universe being a kind of reflector, reflecting the projections of our own mind and actions, the interesting thing about this is that as long as you believe in these actions then the circumstances will manifest themselves. This to me implies a lack of moral intelligence, and that there is no deliberate judgement figure behind this like a traditional God like figure smiting and punishing us, I see it like much more of a reflector, as speculated earlier, doing what it does, the only way it can, reacting to us all individually, and collectively. The research of Rupert Sheldrake (mentioned later, would again seem to compliment the law of attraction), as well as the theory I am proposing.
Goal setting:
A great excersize to do, at any time is goal setting. I often find myself doing this when things feel wayward, or direction has been lost, or something changes in life. In the self motivational industry we call this course correction, it allows you to take control and get back on track to where you need to be. It can make a huge difference to people and their lives, in the way of affirmation. When you write these goals down you are saying that you really want this, almost conditioning yourself, thus synchronising yourself with what you need to become.
Goal setting is important, but you have to want it, and for the right reasons, the other important thing is to set yourself realistic but challenging goals. For example If you set a goal for becoming a millionaire then this is frivolous as it is extremely hard to get to that point without other goals, and also there is no reason behind this, it is known as a whim and you may not achieve it. If you had a genuine desire to reach people across the world and to inspire change on a global basis, this may seem unachievable but truth be told its a true motivator!
The key also is to set short term goals and long term goals, a good mix of the two.
Imagine yourself climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, imagine getting yourself a map and focussing on the summit. Would you ever reach it, maybe, maybe not. The trick is to make smaller goals in order to achieve and reward yourself to give you the motivation to continue and succeed. For each part you feel good, looking upon the remarkable view, and continuing onto the next one. When you get to the top you will have achieved a lot more and will feel stronger because of it.
Your goals have to reflect you as well, and you must be prepared to change them as you change and develop, the goals should compliment and challenge you, not hinder or de-motivate you.
They should incorporate every part of your life as well, challenging you in your relationships, work life and social life. Financial goals should be enablers to open up further challenges and aid you to achieve more, financial for the sake of being richer will not make you happy unless you have other goals to challenge you. All the successful entrepreneurs didn't set out merely wishing to be millionaires, if you take a look they had "vision", and this vision will be incorporated by short and long term goals.
So get yourself some paper:
1. Write down 20 short term and then 20 long term goals on two pieces of paper.
-They can be anything you want from taking part in a marathon, to running a successful business, the best way is to write down anything that comes in to your head, and then home in on things you want.
2. With your 20 long and 20 short term goals, write down the reason for the goal, why you want to achieve it and the benefit, also consider further goals and what these may lead on to.
3. Following the rules above refine your goals to an ideal number of around 5 short and 5 long term goals.
-Now be completely honest with yourself, on what makes YOU happy, not what other people want, and not what society says you should have. This is harder than you think.
4. look at your short and long term goals, and ensure that they compliment each other, ensure that your short term goals are realistic, and achievable and that these build up to a long term goal. The idea is to take baby steps toward your major goals, and reward yourself when you have achieved a short term goal, tell yourself well done!
5. When you have them, these genuine goals should be written on your ceiling, on the toilet door, anywhere where you will look at them. Remind yourself of what you want, and if you feel that a goal is too far out of sight, introduce a smaller short term goal which will give you the motivation to to get to the more challenging ones. Don't give up and be prepared to change and ensure your goals reflect the true motivation behind the changes. Remember: Course correcting is an ongoing process.
I wish you luck in your goals!
Infinite Conciousness
Infinite Consciousness(I.C):
I have mentioned this infinite consciousness, I want to touch on what it is here. I have realised that if in fact this consciousness is related to our own, then the way we view the world around us is instrumental in everything we are. The basis of Eastern Philosophy is based on perception, using methods and ways of viewing the world, and perhaps not in a literal way. You can go further than this and accept that everything is non coincidental to ourselves, that the infinite consciousness is directly interacting with us, this in itself will liberate you as you will accept that no-one and nothing is incorrect but interpreting this infinite consciousness in different ways, this mindset will liberate you and set you free and is very hard for me to express and explain. Before reaching this conclusion I was afraid that this mindset was both arrogant, and similar to a god like complex, but the truth is its happening to everyone and I have become the least arrogant I have ever been as a result of it. I do not claim that this infinite consciousness exists, that point doesn't matter - but what is crucial is the way we use our amazing and rare gift of self awareness and perception, we can set ourselves free in this way.
So The infinite consciousness is everything combined, this is a concept that includes no counterpart, no devil/hell. If nothing exists outside of this infinite consciousness, then it is distinctly unique and there is nothing else like it, it could also be described as infinite, hence the sphere:
I have had debates with mathematic specialists about this and as maths is used as a measure to explain the differences of the things around us, then I also use this terminology to aid our understanding of what consciousness, the universe and we actually are. We exist in a physical plain, on a planet, in a galaxy, in a universe. This is the world defined by lines and dimensions, a world where technically a straight line cannot exist naturally, and a circle is nothing more than a concept again created by us, beings at a level operating within this plain. It is interesting that we have surrounded ourselves with creations mimicked from our understanding of the world around us. It seems that we have become explorers of this physical world in which we inhabit, creating mediums, groups and culture exploiting the ways of describing the world around us, science, maths, art and many other culture.
So using mathematics to describe this I would describe the I.C as a sphere, infinite, Take a circle. It is impossible to create a perfect circle, I drew a circle on a highly advanced computer program and even then I could not get a perfect circle, just a series of straight lines, an "imperfect circle".
When you look at this the curved line is made up of lots of straight lines, which all give the impression of a circle. When you look in nature there is no such thing as a circle per se, from a very early age we have used the circle shape for unknown purposes. We are far less able to create a perfect circle than nature is (reference to the electron).
If you get a polygon and add sides you eventually get a shape that looks more and more like a circle , it will never be a circle so in this way I see a circle as being infinite. It is also spoken of that infinity = one, so in this way could I.C be infinite and One, these two ideas combined spells "absolution".
Levels Of Consciousness:
If everything combined equates to an infinite consciousness, then we can try and understand everything within the universe, in terms of levels. If everything combined (the circle) is the top level, there are levels within this which can be explored.
So If infinite consciousness, is everything combined at the top level, there is nothing outside of this. I believe that due to this then this infinite consciousness would not have the capacity to be self aware. What makes us self aware is our perception which allows us to compare ourselves with other things, other levels, without this we would not know who we are, we would not have a basis in which to define ourselves. So I speculate that an infinite consciousness would divide itself up, create within itself in order to become aware or evolve. Exploring itself with different aspects of itself or as I have proposed, levels of consciousness, this infinite consciousness would possibly start to understand itself.
So lets focus on the universe, then the galaxy, then planet Earth, then us, then a tree, then the ground, then the atomic structure (I have missed many levels out for the purpose of explanation). When we look at humanity, we have the conscious capacity to understand ourselves, i.e self awareness. No other level has that in the entirety that we do. This is interesting in itself, as we operate as a level within the Infinite consciousness, we are able to view the universe, and other levels of the consciousness, such as trees, other animals, and ourselves, and we ask the question what does it all mean. I propose that there is no answer, and what I call the Infinite Consciousness is doing just what it is doing, perhaps it does not even know what it is doing at the top level. I also speculate that perhaps our self awareness is the key to this infinite consciousness understanding itself within a multitude of different levels.
Each level of consciousness, is interacting with the same level and other levels. Everything is constantly moving and changing and interacting, but I suspect if we could slow it down and stop it then added the parts together we would reach a perfectly complete conclusion.
I use the term consciousness with difficulty, I do not imply that we are dreaming or existing in a non real time and place. This is definitely real, and there have been many interpretations of reality in the past and present, what I am actually implying is that consciousness as we know and understand it is only a small part of the totality. We see and live in a world today which is translated through our senses, what we hear, see, smell, taste and feel. This seems to orientate through a matrix of information, concentrations of this information allow us as humans to translate these into the world that we see. It is a belief of mine also that this is only a small proportion of the entire consciousness, and that there is another concurrent reality running to the physical one we are emerged in. With Da-Vincis Diagram, I believe this was what he was getting at, a reality intertwined with our own - I call it heaven (a different analogy to the religious connotations today).
The diagram implied another dimension or plain to that of our own existence. It has been speculated that this plain, alternative to our own, where time is not linear and everything is fluid, call it pure energy. This is all totally theoretical, but many references have been made toward "lifting the veil", and N.D.E's seem to be indicating an experience which may be referred to as this. Where people have witnessed an energetic reality just before waking up. This energetic reality is going on all around us, and is invisible - many phenomena link to this invisible energy platform, many of this is discussed later.
We are talking about subtle energies here, and these subtle energies relate to ourselves and the world around us and there are physical connections to this energy. Think of it as when something physical happens that there is a cause and the physical effect is a consequence of the cause, i.e the energy underneath. I realise while re-reading this that this may be difficult to accept and enters into a realm which is hard to prove and quantify, probably labelled as magic or nonsense by todays reality, and I expect to loose some of you here, but please keep reading.
All matter has an energy field or a field of information, with organic matter this energy field is larger and it spins. I have found this through research while using dowsing as a tool. I cover dowsing later but what I wanted to do here was introduce you to the energetic universe around us, based on research and actual field work, NOT speculation. I have already speculated around the Infinite consciousness, and that we are able to perceive this on a conscious level. I also believe that we are able to connect with the infinite consciousness in other ways by tapping into a world around us which is more connected than we believe consciously. There is a multitude of psychic phenomena, experiments, and data that is not consistent with the skeptical view of the world and there must be an explanation for this phenomena, and the most realistic is the Rupert Sheldrake idea of Morphic resonance. His explanation is this:
"I think that we—humankind—are connected to everybody we think of and to all the places we are attached to through our extended minds. Our minds are vast, far-reaching, and spatially extended networks of connections in space and time—networks of immense scope in which the brains inside our heads are but a portion…"
Sheldrake has been censored due to accusations of non scientific methods, which I find rather amusing in itself, his science seems to be pretty neat to myself. One of his experiments detailed a group of rats in three locations across the world (New York, Sydney and London) When tricks are taught to some of the rats it seems that after a control experiment that the rats in the other two locations were also able to learn the tricks quicker, suggesting a morphic link between the rats.
When I read about this work I have to again agree that the suggestion of an infinite consciousness, or rather a consciousness level of which we are all a part of - which can be embraced and utilised perhaps. Speculation I guess but I found it interesting.
Now this book touches on many energetic methods of healing and arts, one method I have found may be of use is energy balls. I have seen and been able to generate an energy ball, which sounds absurd, but lets go into this for a minute.
If we are living in an Infinite consciousness which we are a part of, and at some level there is a connection between everything is it really so hard to imagine that we are able to divide ourself up similar to that of the infinite consciousness. Providing the medium of energy we can create, using our own energy a subsection of energy within the infinite consciousness. The next excersize touches on this, but If you feel uncomfortable at this point I suggest that you skip it and return at a later date.
This is another mental projection excersize, so get comfortable and start the meditation technique again. If you haven't already done so naturally, imagine that you have a third eye, on the middle your forehead, many people when they meditate notice this completely naturally, but if not then just imagine a point in between your two eyes and slightly above and all of the energy within your body flowing through this small area, a little bit like a funnel. If you are uncomfortable about the energy thing then imagine your body is like a bottle and it is full of energy which you could envision like a liquid.
Practice this over and over until you feel confident to imagine yourself creating a ball of energy in front of you. Imagine a ball in front of you, and use your hands to define the size of the ball, start from the centre and pull your hands apart to stretch out the ball, continue to focus on the ball. You should feel heat coming from your palms, this is known as Chi in the East and is an integral part of their arts.
You can go further and Imagine this ball in the corner of the room, imagine it being a specific size, then imagine stretching it, increasing it in size. Try moving the ball and putting it in different places, imagine that you can see down from this point and imagine what it looks like to look from this point, what you look like. Finally imagine several different points simultaneously all around you, and emanating from you third eye and your belly a huge ball, try and focus on this and move it changing the size of it.
Using our perception, we can even identify adopting a different perspective, even from points we have never perceived from. We can also use basic mathematics to aid us to understanding how great our potential really is in perceiving things allegedly outside of ourself. This perception identifies that we are connected to this infinite consciousness, us being a part of it so the potential can be explored.
Becoming Greater:
I have evolved somewhat from the troubled teenager with a huge dent in my shoulder, and I can distinguish points where I have made decisions based on the personal experiences I have had. I have spent times at ancient sites, have had conversations and experiences interacting with a force which I cannot distinguish. I have made several conclusions about this but in essence, this has helped me to understand my potential, from that point I have filled out the gaps. For me a spiritual journey has been completely personal, I had not shared these experiences and only used a few to help get the point across.
Based on the theories I have made, I recognise that these theories are tools to help me understand myself and my position within the world around me. They may not be true or untrue, this is not a scientific perspective, but a personal discovery. Art and the creative elements seem to be at the source of everything, nature seems to be a form of expression with a complex set of rules which allow a huge potential, then a series of almost random creative expressions, order and chaos as one. To bear witness to this process while originating from within this process is amazing.
That is exactly what I think we not only have the potential to do but also the licence and the natural duty to do. The next series of chapters are designed to help us (our consciousness) tap into our potential and become an observer to the fundamental world around us which is a level of the infinite consciousness. What we have to remember is we guide the infinite consciousness, as we are a part of this and in essence our understanding has an impact on the I.C as a whole.
Emotional Balance:
Nature is vast, powerful, organised, un-emotional. We can look at nature in many different ways but we should look at it untainted, it is purposeful, and if we are to be sound then we should look at the purposefulness and not the seeming negatives. Nature in many ways is like us, our consciousness is said to stem from out thoughts, our thoughts stem from our brains. So lets look at ourselves emotionally.
The above is a diagram of basic emotions, I try and look at this as though these emotions are symbolic of nature, our basic consciousness, without control would be going through various stages of emotions. We have the ability to balance our emotions, and the best way I have found to do this is to literally break your consciousness up and become an observer of yourself. Try to look at your random thoughts and moods as an innocent child, show kind compassion for this as it gives us a huge potential, we have a great capacity to feel anything from hatred to love, I propose we are at the stage where we can choose where we can exist. This is what I refer to as balancing our emotion.
All emotions and thoughts are tools, they give us an opportunity to interact with this potential, allowing us to choose correctly what we should do. Every situation brings about emotion, quite often the best of these is what I call fear.
When we step out of our comfort zone we tend to get a little voice telling us that "this is stupid" or "I cannot do this" This voice if ignored, will just fester and we will either find it very difficult to continue or we will indeed cave in and stop. I believe that morally we have an obligation to tame this emotion or innocent consciousness, It is of the benefit of ourselves the people around us, our species, and the infinite consciousness as a whole. Once we understand this then we will find ourselves approaching life in a different way, ensuring that every decision is made correctly, this is what has happened to me anyway.
The trick is to show compassion to the process, to not be hateful at ourselves, and if possible not to hate anything, hatred is quite often an impatience combined with convenience of not trying to understand something. We should learn to be patient and tolerant, irrespective of circumstance, as fundamentally the source of all variation is innocent.
So imagine this untamed child, you would not should at a child or show hatred to something that is innocent, and I think this is the context. I base this on the innocence of nature, at each level and ourselves being a part of nature aware of nature means that we have a distinct advantage and responsibility to use our consciousness effectively.
We can recognise that we are connected to an I.C and perhaps can recognise the pure innocent beauty of this consciousness, and how our emotions are a direct link within this consciousness. We can see how we can distinguish ourselves from this matrix and observe it and it within us. We can almost shape this I.C using ourselves as a vessel for creating another level of consciousness, or in another way taking control of our own consciousness, respecting the source and also taming it. In effect we can take control of our consciousness, and this is what I call "becoming greater". This is a journey which will continue for the rest of your life and beyond.
Our left / right consciousness:
It is our current understanding that the brain works in two ways, the right and left sides, one being the source of order and logic, the other being the creative intuitive side. The left side of the brain processes information in a linear manner. It processes from part to whole. It takes pieces, lines them up, and arranges them in a logical order; then it draws conclusions. The right brain however, processes from whole to parts, holistically. It starts with the answer. It sees the big picture first, not the details. If you are right-brained, you may have difficulty following a lecture unless you are given the big picture first. That is why it is absolutely necessary for a right-brained person to read an assigned chapter or background information before a lecture or to survey a chapter before reading. If an instructor doesn't consistently give an overview before he or she begins a lecture, you may need to ask at the end of class what the next lecture will be and how you can prepare for it. If you are predominantly right-brained, you may also have trouble outlining (You've probably written many papers first and outlined them latter because an outline was required). You're the student who needs to know why you are doing something. Left-brained students would do well to exercise their right-brain in such a manner.
Our interpretation of The world around us involves this process. Some activities are designed to use the right/ creative parts like the activity detailed earlier, other such as mathematics use reasoning and linear processing to retrieve information. Having said that the two function in harmony, and the better the mix then the better the results.
Ill give dowsing as an example, the activity itself lends itself to our intuition, the right side of the brain, but prior and after the dowsing a logical process should be laid out, this helps to draw useful results and without this then the dowsing has no meaning.
Nature seems to be radically unordered at a glance, but when you start to compare aspects of itself you see an order, fibonacci, phi & pi, all are integral laws that shape the nature around us, taken above scale this affects the universe, and taken below, even atomic structure. The system is scaler, but the most significant part about the infinite consciousness is the separation and seemingly equal unity. Nature exists from order, complex but order and creativity spawns from a set of extremely complex rules, a combination of the left and right side of the brain, nature is in harmony, creating such beauty and at the same time the laws to support the creation. Even nature uses the same principle of logic and creativity.
Scientists tend to use a sceptical, logical process which is great for the work that they do, but almost all of the great scientists of the past used a level of intuition, and creativity, Leonardo Da Vinci, Einstein, Newton are great examples. In many great breakthroughs in our scientific community, a level of creativity was involved in thinking up the idea, and from there logical experimentation developed the idea forward into something useful. But without the spark, the idea then the rest would not have followed.
It seems to me that we have this great capacity within our level to order, to order ourselves, and the immediate world around us. This is self organisation at our level of consciousness, this organisation can occur collectively and individually and in my opinion should occur within the framework of the infinite consciousness with respect to the current organisation. This is where we have perhaps forgotten, and our organisation has become the priority, in which way we have individually become secondary to the collective organisation, which has become ignorant to the complete collective organisation.
Individually we are aware of the implications of this but as we are so involved in the organisation, we seem unable to change the direction in which our evolution is heading in. Having said this the times are a changing, the power of the individual mind is in fact a very powerful asset. Throughout culture individuals have stood out to have pioneered, and incited change inspiring millions to change, to act and to stand up and be counted.
Take a japanese Zen garden, the straight lines that resemble order and the circular ripples around the rocks which represent the power and influence one can have on the universe. This lies hand in hand with consciousness and the Eastern philosophy, a little of which are described later, when I first started to review these philosophies I did so in a sceptical nature, but I could not find a reason for so many individuals and cultures believing in the same values, if indeed none of the philosophies were relevant, as everything uncurled many of the philosophies made a great deal of sense.
So, we all have the power to create, to use our creativity in tandem with our logical mind, producing a level of consciousness which can be described as a similar parallel process to that of nature and our creation. This level of consciousness if shared collectively can become something greater, and we have seen that with spirituality, revolutions, even the fan culture. Collectively consciously our potential is even greater, one mind can change the universe, via our level of consciousness. It is suggested also that individually through consciousness we can change the world around us, perhaps through the infinite consciousness. The difficulty with accepting this is who and what takes priority, if the infinite consciousness is interacting with us, how can it possibly interact with everyone, even if just potentially. My answer is because it is infinite and we are an integral part of it, therefore we help to shape it, whether we realise it or not.
Yin and Yang:
During my spiritual development I started to pay attention to the eastern traditions. Th concepts of yin and yang interested me, and if nothing else was a clever way of viewing the world around me in an interconnected method. Yin and Yang, defines everything within a dualistic approach, in where everything is composed of a balance of these two extremes. Yin representing, dark, cold, female, the moon. Yang representing, male, light, hot, the sun.
The logo for yin yang is in fact supposed to be spinning and represents the balance of the duality. At night time (Yin) the sun reflects against the moon (yang), In the day time (yang) when an object blocks the shade there is darkness. Of course, our galaxy has a sun and the earth has a moon which affect our planet and us also. The sun has obvious effects on our species, and so does the moon. The symbol for me describes our unique approach to perceiving the world as a system, of a whole with divisions, operating as separate components yet interacting with seeming mutual respect and balance. Is this our perception, interpreting the universe segregating it into categories, or does it in fact seek out to create these characteristics, evolving into a range of potential, a range which its levels of consciousness will occur and react within.
Tai Chi:
Tai chi is the expression of movement using a yin and yang perception. Once understood the power of Tai Chi is massive, meditation is the balancing of the mind, life mediation which really is mindfulness is meditation in everything we do, and tai chi is more or less an art form where we can understand through ourselves the duality of the universe. When we perform tai chi we are admitting ourselves to a force beyond our own, allowing ourselves to emulate Yin and Yang. In itself It is not important that Yin and Yang exist but our perception of Yin and Yang is important as it helps us understand and I believe communicate with an infinite consciousness which we are parts of, and in this way we are experiencing ourselves. In this way perception between levels is key, self awareness at the top level is a consequence and aim of these teachings, allowing the essence of the universe to literally understand itself.
There are many forms of tai chi, many of which mimic creatures in the environment, I often find myself free forming and tai chi is very much like that when you know a few movements you can fill in the gaps yourself. The great thing about Tai chi free forming is you tend to end up in the same position as the starting one, except you feel energised and ready for anything! Tai chi combines physical excersize with mental excersize, and leaves you feeling more alive.
Tai chi itself is comprised of forms, and the three main forms are: Yang, wu and chen, these are named after the families that developed the techniques. It is worth trying all three before dedicating yourself to either one, once you feel confident you will combine steps from these forms combined with your own. Tai chi is in itself defined as a martial art, it depends how far you wish to take it, but for me it is about using focus and perception to synchronise your physical self and your mental self to the universe.
I am only going to offer a few basic moves and suggest that you try it for yourself, as there is no right way as such but an adaptation of the Tai Chi principles. The moves I offer are adapted moves which have remained in my Tai chi movements, but I suggest you get yourself involved in a class or read a book to fully appreciate Tai Chi.
Starting position:
It is advised to wear loose clothing and start off with some stretches before you begin, if you have medical conditions you should consult a doctor before putting yourself at risk. Begin with your feet grounded and an awareness of your centre of gravity. With your chin up, eyes gazing forward, imagine your spine is in perfect alignment. Keep your leg muscles taut and knees flexed while pulling in your belly button and inhaling. This is your foundation posture and beginning position.
Sharpen the Bow:
widen your stance so that your feet are about a pace wide, slowly turn your upper body to the left, place your left hand out to the left with the palm facing forward, pull your little and next to little fingers into your palm leaving your thumb, forefinger and middle finger out, with your right hand clench a fist and bring your right hand out to your left so it is almost touching your left hand, this is the starting position to this set of movements, adjust it so you feel comfortable – but you should have the type of position that an archer would adopt before firing their bow. You should imagine pushing out with your left hand but without actually moving it while pulling your right hand in a straight motion across your chest – you should breath in slowly, when you have pulled across you release the fist in your right hand, while breathing out. You then repeat the step on your right side, and back again several times. When you perfect the steps you may find that your fist turns slightly when drawing in and out, and you feel a sensation in your palms as you expand, you may even feel like a ball is forming between your hands.
Supporting the world:
This is a movement I combine with mindfulness, as it has merits in both fields. From your starting position, you bring out your arms from your navel in a circular motion downwards and outwards, slowly bringing them up imagining a big ball at your chest, bring your hands right up until they are almost touching in the highest comfortable position above your head, imagine that your spine is a pillar, and the pillar continues above you up to your hands, turn your hands inwards so they make the shape of a pillar, and imagine the world being held up by your hands, you may feel your hands slip downwards a little, but when your hands are in position you breathe out slowly, when you finish breathing out give the weight of the world back, bring your hands back down while breathing in and relax at the navel. This excersize can be used between others or on its own.
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